Natasha's POV:

We pull up to a small Disney resort after a little more than a half hour in the van. I wouldn't be surprised if we take up all of the rooms in the hotel. I adjust the brace on my leg slightly before getting out of the van with the others, the intense early June Florida humidity automatically hits me making it slightly hard to breath. 

The humidity seems to hit almost everyone the same way, a few people don't seem fazed by the stickiness of the air at all. New York is never this hot this time of year and the air itself is completely different, it's going to take some getting used too. Once all the bags are off the vans we grab them and head inside to the air conditioned lobby area.

Tony heads up to the front desk to sign us in, I can just hear what they are saying from my place surrounded by luggage, "Hi, signing in." Tony says.

The receptionist give a polite smile, "And what would be the name of the reservation sir?" She taps away on the computer in front of her.

"Stark." Tony says, looking back to count heads, "I think I booked 12, or 15 rooms maybe." The receptionists eyes widen at that last bit, she nods her head in confirmation.

"Alright, Mr. Stark, here are all of the magic bands, these will be your key cards along with what allows you into the parks and has your fast pass information. You can also pay with them. I'll let you guys hand them out amongst yourself's, you have rooms 501-516, let me know who is going to be in which room and I will set it up for you." She hands him a large basket full of bracelets. I walk up to him and take the basket out of his hands, I walk over to a couch and stand up.

I grab the bands on the top, "Lila, Coop, Nate, here are your bands," I toss them to Cooper and he hands them to his siblings, "Laura, Clint," I throw bands to everyone until it is just mine, Steve's, and Peter. I hand Peter his band and get off the couch, giving Steve's his everybody starts arguing about what rooms they are going to have.

"508 and 509 have 2 beds and are connecting rooms so Cooper, Nate, Lila, Morgan, you'll be in those rooms! Peter, you can have your own." Clint calls out, "There's got to be actual adults surrounding them otherwise they will go haywire."

"Dad, do you really have that little trust in us?" Cooper asks his father who looks him straight in the eyes.

"Yes, I do." Cooper goes to say something but seems to think better of it so he shuts his mouth closed and walks over to where his younger siblings are sitting.

Pepper speaks for Tony, "Tony and I will take the connected room into Lila and Morgan's." Tony gave her an offended look, Pepper gave him one back. That was the end of that conversation.

"We'll take the connected room to Coop and Nate," A similar thing happens when Laura says this. Eventually all the rooms are sorted out and we all bring our bags up to our rooms.

Steve and I have the room at the end of the hall, it has a large balcony and an entire wall of windows overlooking a small nearby lake. We quickly unpack some of our clothes before meeting everyone in the hallway.

"Steve, there isn't a single pair of shorts in here." I look up at him from my place on the floor, I'm trying to unpack my clothes but it's rather difficult as there are just random things thrown in the bags. "It's 87 degrees, how am i going to survive in thick jeans, sweatpants, and leggings?"

He shrugs his shoulders as he hangs another shirt in the closet, "You said you were going shopping, right?" He walks over to me and kisses the top of my head before grabbing my hand and pulling me up.

I wrap my arms around his neck, "Yeah, but now I have to buy an entire wardrobe."

He places his hands on my waist, "Is that so?" He raises an eyebrow.

I smirk at him, "I really hate shopping," Steve leans down and kisses me, a couple seconds later we pull away when theres a knock on the door, followed by Tony yelling at us to hurry up. "We should probably go." Steve pouts and kisses me again but Tony threatens to break the door down so we have to leave.

I open the door and throw my fist to hit Tony's square in the nose but Steve grabs my arm before it can make impact. "Oh come on! I haven't punched anyone in so long!" I whine as Steve lets go of my arm.

"I'm not sure that's a bad thing, Nat." He says, I smirk at him and the three of us walk over to the rest of the group.


Ok like nothing happened in this part but i feel like it had some cute moments idk, have a great day:)


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