The blue-haired boy stared at his parent confusedly. He just blurted because he didn't know better at the moment

"I was with a friend and..."

It was then when he recalled the moment Chouchou suddenly hugged him. How he felt her face on his chest and how soft and warm it was... like the rest of her body. Her body which was somewhat heavy yet Mitsuki didn't feel discomfort at all. If anything he felt like he wanted her to be even closer to him, to hug her with the same intensity she gifted her touch. His face felt even hotter now


Orochimaru, still smirking, raised a brow


Mitsuki's chest was now drumming and sweat was falling from his forehead. He was shaken but his senses were still somewhat sharp. He looked back at his parent with wariness thinking it was better if he didn't reveal anything more.

"Fine. I'm embarrassed."

Sounding a bit upset he asked Orochimaru

"How can I make it stop and never show again?"

The snake sannin quietly laughed

"That's something you should seek how to conquer."


"I am happy you reached out to me, even if it was something this trivial."

Orochimaru got closer to Mitsuki and cupped his cheek as they usually did. It took some years for Mitsuki to be used to this gesture

"You are my son after all."

Mitsuki just nodded, which made Orochimaru smirk. The snake on the wall opened its mouth again as an indication his parent would leave. But Orochimaru had something else to ask

"Oh... Mitsuki."

"Is your friend a boy or a girl?"

The young boy took a brief while before replying while smiling half-closing his eyes

"Does it even matter?"

Orochimaru stopped in their tracks and looked back at Mitsuki with the corner of their eyes. Golden yet menacing eyes that glowed out of no more but parental love.

The kind of love only the snake sannin was capable of.


"Maw maw"

Mikazuki rolled over Mitsuki's feet to caught his attention. Lately, the feline was too hungry, making it look bigger and rounder. The blue-haired boy rubbed the cat's head gently while his thoughts started to act up. He carried Mikazuki in his arms and sat on his undone bed, then he looked at his pillow. 


It was common for Mitsuki to sleep in one position, belly up and hands to the side. He has been sleeping like this from the very moment a bed was introduced to him. So when he woke up sleeping to the side with his pillow between his arms, he knew something had changed within him. Even more when his pillow now had a strange hourglass shape out of how hard he held it while sleeping.

He knew what he wanted and that desire was somehow manifesting even when asleep, but how was he going to accomplish it? Mitsuki wasn't exactly a shy boy, if he needed to do something, he would do it without thinking about a repercussion on his actions(Part due to being ignorant about some of the human ways)but when it came to Chouchou, and even more after what happened lately, he wanted to be more cautious. He heard Mikazuki mew once more, so he smiled and held it closer to his chest.

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