Another one of those killer headache came along but this time the pills weren't working.

I felt a bit weak and tired but nothing I couldn't handle. Right?


I was in my room when I head a loud thud. sounded like it came from Rosa's room. Crap. Shit!

I ran into her room as fast as I could to see her not there, I checked everywhere until I realised she must be in the bathroom.

I knocked on the door but got to response. I called for her but again no response.

At this point I was starting to get really worried and tried to open the door but it was locked.

I have no choice but to knock this door down, sorry Channie.


I felt really dizzy and it wasn't normal. My pills weren't working.

I felt really ill so I decided to call Minho but every call was unanswered.

I practically spam called him as I felt my state getting worse and I felt like I would collapse any minute.

I held my head with my hands as I stumbled forwards, the phone fell from my hands as I desperately tried to reach for my water.

"Chan!" Was the last thing I head before my body came in contact with the floor and my eyes closed.


I had broken down the door to see Rosa had fainted on the bathroom floor. All thoughts left me I as rushed to get my phone and keys and drive her to the hospital.

She was currently in inspection when I opened my phone as saw a ton of calls from Chan.

I'll just open them later.

Right now Rosa is my priority.

Though it was strange of Chan to spam call me like that. Maybe he butt called me.

I saw the doctor coming out of the room.

"Mr Lee, nice seeing you here I am guessing you're here for Miss Bang."

"Yes, is she okay? Is the baby okay?"

"Well you see Mr Lee, this is her second pregnancy and due to the unfortunate events which took place with the last baby it has weakened her. We are not certain but she may not be able to make it."

"Second pregnancy?"

"What you never knew? She had a child with Mr Min Hyun Jae, her child was killed but she paid us all to say she had an abortion.

Listen Mr Lee, you know I don't like gossip but I trust you as a well known and trustworthy doctor of this hospital, and I also know she is the same women from the scam.

But I am going to keep silent and I hope you do not bring my name forward in any of this business"

"Sure Mr Min, your name won't be mentioned and I thank you for this information."

"I will give some medicine and just a list of things you should do to keep her and the baby healthy and strong"

"Thank you sir" we shook hands before I went into the room.


I woke up and found myself in hospital. Bambam sitting next to me holding my hand.

And Changbin, Felix and Jisung on my left.

The first thing that came to my mind was Minho.

"M-Minho...." my voice croaked out.

The 3 boys I grew prone to looked at each other nervously.

"Actually none of us have been able to get in contact with him." Felix spoke up.

"We called earlier today but after that he hadn't talked to anyone" Changbin added in.

"Wait- who brought me here?"

"Uhhh I did..." Bambam spoke.

I finally gave my attention to him.

"Oh....thank you I said" not being able to stop the disappointment in my voice.

The room went silent as it stayed like that until Bin's phone rang.

"Hello, Changbin, I have an update on the situation"

"Shut up. For flips sake how many times did we all call you. Do you even know what happened? Do you even care? Here we are thinking you didn't pick up because something happened and you call telling me this. You have a bloody update."

I heard him shout out all of a sudden.

Changbin normally is a very calm person so when he is pissed you know it's bad.

"What? Is everything okay? What happened? Are you okay? Where is lix? What happened? Answer me Bin!"

"Chan is in the hospital, he fainted. Why were you even bloody hired if you weren't gonna do your job in the first place.

I have supported you so much when this situation but there is a limit. You forgot about your own boyfriend for a girl you used to hate.

What are you in love with her now? Did you somehow become straight or were you pretending this whole time? Answer me!"

"Wait my Channie is in the hospital. I am here as well just tell me what room please I beg you Changbin I am sorry, I am sorry"

"No no don't cry, hyung I was just mad I had no right to talk to you like that the room is ****"

They quickly exchanged their goodbyes before they hung up.

No matter the reasoning he still chose Rosa over me, and that's the reality


How was it? Like the whole switch thingy.

It was only for this chap and it was to make it kinda suspenseful but idk if it worked. Anyways I have so much planned out for this book and I'm excited.

Peace out ✌🏼


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