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Well, if I was going to die, this would be the place to do it.

Sunshine tore through thinly dispersed clouds above me. Streaming beams of light onto my cold body. Glittering waves of ocean lapped the completely empty shore.

Along the beach there were no ships, no swimmers, just me. Palm trees lined the edge of the sand, covering a small section of the white beach in shade. I looked forward, trying to make sense of the world around me. Despite the expansive beach, the lapping waves and the listless ocean this beach felt thin, like a corridor.

I knew something was waiting for me ahead. Something that didn't belong in the tree-line. The thought moved my feet, pulling me forwards and towards the thick mass of palm trees.

My walking turned to running, but I didn't seem to move. The further I got, the further the beach stretched out under me. Panic set in, my heart beating across my body, I felt the pulse of blood in my ears, in my knees. Don't think about it, Ada. Find a way out.

There would be an escape, there had to be. I just had to keep running towards those trees, just had to find an end to this beach. Nothing got any closer.

My boots became heavier, sinking deeper into the sand with each step I took. My legs burned with the effort. My feet stopped, the sun was relentlessly boring down on my, sweat beaded on my forehead.

Then suddenly, there was a woman a few steps in front of me. She was the most unique, and yet unremarkable woman I'd ever seen. She had no race, no signs of age, and no familiar features. Despite this, she didn't strike any fear, she was so calming it was unnerving.

"You and I both know this is only going to end one way." Her voice sounded soft, angelic. Her figure was shrouded by a shapeless beige dress, which billowed in a non-existent wind.

"Who are you?" My words choked out.

"I am Death."

The laugh escaped before I could hold it in, "no you're not."

The angelic woman reached into the flowing material that surrounded her and pulled out a glistening curved knife. My eyes immediately moved around me, palm trees, sand, so much stupid sand, small rocks, tiny crushed shells. No escape.

She was a couple of steps in front of me, I could run. I couldn't fight her. What would I fight her with? Grab a rock, I thought.

Almost as if she could hear my thoughts, she laughed.

My hands closed around the first rock I felt, and without thinking I launched it at her head – it passed right through her.

"Ah," she chuckled. I picked up more and tried again, all yielding the same result. The rocks didn't even touch her. She could move forwards any moment, could put that knife right through me.

I spun on my heels and ran.

The sand moved under my feet, the beach passed me as my legs moved. I was moving! I could do this, I could outrun her. The sound of her ethereal laughter was around me, it floated through the air like the sea's breeze. I was hurling myself forwards, faster than I'd ever run before. My heartbeat sounded in my ears, huge, thundering thuds that almost drowned her out – then, she was right in front of me.

My feet halted, sand whipped into my face as I slid, falling ungracefully onto my ass directly at her feet.

The sun haloed her from behind, her knife glistened in it. Then it moved, the knife stretched, and curved, arching like an angelic wing. The hilt formed, and then extended downwards until it became a scythe.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2021 ⏰

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