t w e n t y - o n e

Start from the beginning

"em, if you'd have seen her out there trust me, she owned it" lillie added

emily nodded tearfully "i know i can't take it away from you, i don't want to push you away, but just want you to do well in school as well"

"and i will" amelia said hugging her mom tightly "pinky swear it" she held her pinky out, her mom chuckled and wrapped her own pinky around her daughters.

"let's get you home" emily smiled

lillie decided to step in at that point "actually mama em, i need to run something by mils, i can drop her off later if you want to take her car?"

emily looked skeptical but nodded anyway "sure, don't be too late" she said taking the car keys off her daughter

"let's go bubs" lillie grabbed amelia is arm and pulled her towards her car


lillie pulled up in front of julies house, and her and amelia climbed out and walked towards the studio in silence. julie was already there, to amelia she was telling reggie off for something, but to lillie she was talking to no one. "jules" amelia called as they entered, making julie whip her head around

"meels, lillie, hey" julie smiled awkwardly

"so what's going on?" lillie was straight to the point and blunt

"straight to the point as always, she doesn't take anyone's bullshit" reggie chuckled

"come on auntie lillie, i know you have more to say, just say it" amelia told her

lillie nodded "they're ghosts, aren't they? actually i know they are, it makes sense, you two having subtly conversations, the little glances at nothing when someone brings up luke, the reason you got so upset earlier, he was there, they were there tonight at the performance"

"yes" julie said "they're ghosts and they reappeared here not that long ago, they've been helping me get back into music, and they helped millie find her confidence"

"how-why-what?" lillie jumbled out

"do you want to talk to them?" amelia asked

lillie nodded unable to form any words. amelia looked towards the boys, they nodded, not having anything else to say. they grabbed their instruments as julie and amelia sat on the piano. "let's just play a soft tune, something we can play while talking"

"what about the tune to finally free, it's fresh in our memory?" luke suggested

everyone agreed and started playing quietly, lillie jumped as the boys suddenly came into her vision, and then she burst into tears. "i can't believe this"

"hey lil" luke sent his signature grin

"you bitches just had to go and die from street dogs, freaking street dogs" lillie snapped at them

luke let out a watery laugh "what a way to go, am i right?"

"i hate you so much" lillie laughed slightly

"love you too lils" luke grinned

lillie smiled and looked at the others "how are you here?"

reggie shrugged "we don't really know, julie played out cd and then here we are"

"and that isn't freaking you out?"

"yes! it is!" alex spoke up "i mean we dropped out of nowhere, and then we found that people can always hear us play, and then we found out that when we play with julie and millie we can be seen"

"alex you haven't changed" lillie grinned "i missed you guys"

"missed you too" they all responded

lillie's phone pinged, interrupting the conversation "it's mama em, i should probably get you home meels"

"even at 42 she's still ordering you around" luke chuckled tearfully

"mama emily is a scary lady"

amelia nodded "she threatened to take my phone off my when i kept rick rolling her"

the guys sent her a confused look, while julie looked concerned "why did you keep rick rolling her?"

"it was funny" amelia shrugged "dad found it funny, well until she stopped giving him the newspaper, then he told me off for it"

"anyways" lillie interrupted "i'm glad i saw you guys, take care of yourself yeah"

"you're welcome to come anytime you want" julie said

lillie smiled "next time in town, i'll visit. i'm going home tomorrow morning"

"i really wish i could hug you right now" reggie sighed

amelia grinned and walked over to reggie, grabbing his arms and wrapping them around her back, then she hugged lillie, which made it looked like reggie was hugging lillie. "indirect hugs"

"how can you touch them?"

"not a clue" amelia shrugged

the boys switched so that they all got a chance to hug their long time friend. the happiest they had all felt in a long time was the moment they shared the hug with one another. the guys hadn't realised just how much they had missed the blonde.

𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒇𝒓𝒆𝒆 ~ 𝒓𝒆𝒈𝒈𝒊𝒆 𝒑𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔Where stories live. Discover now