"Yes, boss," he answered shyly as he followed Xiao Zhan to his room.

When they arrived Yibo put his bag on the sofa. Xiao Zhan looked at him confused, "Why are you standing? Sit," he instructed before entering the bathroom.

Yibo immediately sat when Xiao Zhan said that, he sat politely as he waits for Xiao Zhan. Not long after, Xiao Zhan came out of the bath, the towel is on his head and he's wearing a robe.

"Well," he uttered which made Yibo flinched, the incident this morning is still affecting him.

"I've been a coward this past two years and let my parent's death anniversary pass by without knowing the truth behind it all," he started.

Yibo looked in Xiao Zhan's direction and listened intently as he follows him with his eyes.

"Or maybe because I have no one to trust at that time," he added. "But now, I'm certain that you will help me with this, am I right?" he asked and eyed Yibo.

Yibo flinched when their eyes met, his cheeks flushed red, he immediately averts his eyes as he nods.

"Good, for now, we need to gather the information that will lead us to the bottom of this," he said straight to the point. Yibo heard the creak of Xiao Zhan's swivel chair, so it means he just sat.

"First, we need to get the information about the case," Xiao Zhan uttered, "But how?" he mumbled.

Just then, Yibo remembered something. He looked up, "I have a friend more like a brother to me in the police department!" his face lightened, he finally has something to help him.

"Good, you think we can trust him with this?" Xiao Zhan asked.

"Yes, he's like an adoptive brother to me," he uttered. Then he remembered his phone was confiscated the moment he was brought to Xiao Zhan's house. "But I have no way to contact him," he said.

Xiao Zhan opened the drawer of his table and grabbed Yibo's phone, he threw it at him. Yibo's adrenaline immediately kicked in and caught the phone perfectly.

"Call him," Xiao Zhan instructed and crossed his arms on his chest as he waits for Yibo to move.

Yibo opened his phone and immediately dialed his number. In just one ring, the other line answered.

"YIBO!" he was welcomed with Haikuan shouting from the other line, Yibo immediately pulls away from the phone.

"YOU FINALLY CALLED! HOW ARE YOU? ARE YOU OKAY? ARE YOU STILL BREATHING? YOU'RE NOT BEING TORTURED OR BEATEN U RIGHT?" Haikuan asked from the other line, panicking and bombarding him with lots of questions.

Yibo sighed as he chuckled at the questions that Haikuan suddenly burst, "First things first, calm down gege," he uttered.


Yibo chuckled, "But I'm fine gege, I'm kicking and well," he answered.

Yibo heard a heavy long sigh from Haikuan, "BUT STILL! You should have called me before that happened," he said worriedly.

"Well, it just suddenly happened. But I'm fine, I'm working for dad's debt in a dignified way so no need to worry," he reassured.

"B-But--" Haikuan was about to go hysterical again when Yibo cut him off, "Don't worry, I'm doing well, it's for dad's sake y'know," he said with a wide smile. "By the way," he paused, "I need your help for something," his tone suddenly changed.

"What is it? Anything for you," Hiakuan immediately responded, he's happy to hear that Yibo asked him for help. Since the day they became friends, Yibo didn't even once ask for help from him.

"I need to you lookup for something," he paused, "About a case two years ago," he said in his serious tone.

"Huh?" Haikuan asked, surprised at what he suddenly asked for. "Since when are you interested in this case?" he asked.

"Just look it up for me, please~," he said with his pleasing tone.

Haikuan sighed, "Okay," he accepts defeat since it's the first time Yibo asked for his help, might as well accept it, "What case is it?" he asked.

"Case about the car accident of the Xiao mafia boss and his wife," he uttered in his serious tone.

"Huh? But that was already case closed since two years ago, the driver of the truck was dead on arrival that's why it was immediately case closed," he said with his brows furrowed. "But we are not the one holding that case that time, it was the eighth division," he added.

"I need you to give me the data from that case, gege," Yibo pleaded.

"But why?" Haikuan asked, "plus we can't just give case information to civilians."

Yibo looked at Xiao Zhan who was sitting on his swivel chair, with his crossed arms on his chest, waiting for him to report.

"Gege, please? Consider it a favor. Just this and I won't ask for any other things," he pleaded.

Haikuan sighed from the other line, "Fine, but better tell me why are you getting it," he said in defeat.

"Yes, gege. I will tell you later, so, please. We need it for now," he convinced him.

"Okay, okay. I'll send it via email. Make sure no other see the confidential data. Call me when you need anything, I'm just one call away," he reminded him.

"Yes, gege," he answered and gave Xiao Zhan a smile.

"Then, take care," Haikuan bid goodbye from the other line.

Yibo didn't answer and drop the call and plastered a wide smile on his face as he looks at Xiao Zhan, "We finally got the data of the case," he giggled.

"Good," Xiao Zhan answered then turn to the window as he watches the stars. His fist clenched tight, 'Mom, Dad, I will surely find the truth behind this,' he thought as he gritted his teeth.


A/N: the update is a bit slow, so put up with me. Thank you for understanding. hehe (╯▽╰ )

By the way, what do you prefer? Haikuan x Zanjin or Haikuan x Zhuocheng?

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