She faceplated

"well Cursed Spirits also referred to simply as Curses are a race of spiritual beings manifested from cursed energy as a result of the negative emotions that flow out of humans. We bring harm to humanity and are consequently the primary targets of jujutsu sorcerers" she explained

"Oh" I nodded my head "I don't understand but I will pretend I did any so what are jujutsu sorcerers?" I asked another questioned

"Jujutsu sorcerers are individuals trained and employed by the two jujutsu educational in Japan to defend humanity from caused spirit your parents are one of them didn't you know?"

"I.." I was lost for words "what..?" Was the only thing that came out of my mouth

She was looking at me bored as if all of this was normal for her. Yeah it probably is for her

"So um what do you want from me?"

"Aren't you asking lot of questions?" She growled

Then suddenly the door burst opened

"[Y/n] are you okay?!" Dad asked in worried voice

"Y-you!" Mom yelled in horror when she saw the woman who was sitting in my bed

"[Y/n] get away from that woman" dad yelled as he did something to his finger then suddenly a bast was going towards the woman but the bast didn't even touched her. I stand up and was about to run away but something or should I say someone huged me from behind

"AKARI GET AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER NOW!" mom screamed at Akari

Akari grabbed me tighter but not enough to hurt me "ara ara, yui did you forget the deal between us?" Everyone including me looked at mom. Her eyes widened

"Yui what is she talking about? What deal?" Dad asked mom

"Answer him tell him the truth that you been hiding" Akari said I couldn't see her face but I know for sure she was smirking

Mom looked down at her foot ans started explaining everything

15 years ago
3th p.o.v

A special Cursed had attacked pregnant woman. She was unable to dodged the attack and so it hit her stomach where the baby was. The woman coughed some blood out. The curse sent another attack but the woman's husband in come the right time to protect his wife

The attacked was a slow but so powerful that no one could help the poor lady they told the couple that their child will die in 3 days there is no way to save the child. The woman couldn't take it and run out of the hospital. "Yui! Yui! Where are you gonna?!" Her husband called out to her. But she gone

Yui was searching for books that save her child. She doesn't want the child she got after 6 years of her marriage to die.

She finally found what she was looking for, The forbidden. A book that can summon The goddesses of curses Akari

Yui then didn't wait any longer and started reading the forbidden book. Everything around her changed. She felt the Gravity change before she could react. She heard a voice

"What do want you?" The voice asked

She looked up where the voice had come. It was Akari she was sitting in her throne

"I-i" yui couldn't get a word out of her, all the word was stuck at her throat

The pinkette gave her iconic death glared to blondette. Then pinkette eyes went to the blondette stomach. She was pregnant there was no doubt about that and the curse energy the child had was amazing.. the goddesses looked thought the pregnant woman.

the girl who has the goddesses of curses by her side || Jujutsu Kaisen x readerWhere stories live. Discover now