chapter 1

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A/n: tell me if there's a part where the reader's appearance has been not changed to [h/c], [e/c].

Your pov

I thought I was normal.. no I thought the world was normal..... but I was so wrong..

"W-who are you?!" I asked as I step back. As I was backing away I somehow tipped on air and landed on my butt.

The woman with short hair tch'ed. She looked as if she was kinda pissed off..

She muttered something that I couldn't understand then she looked straight into my eyes, her crimson pink eyes which almost look like bloody red. To be honest I was scared.. I mean wouldn't you be too if some woman appeared right in front of you at exactly 12:00 AM?!

"You little brat." She point her index finger at me "come here" she ordered

"huh you mean m-me" I shuttered and pointed my finger at me

"Is there someone else in the room beside you and me?" I shake my head as an no "right, so of course i meant you " she seethed, which gave me chills down my spine

Few hour before

"Mom! Dad!" I yelled as I jumped down the few steps on the stairs

"Be careful not to hurt yourself!" Dad yelled from the living room "yes yes!" I yelled.

I opened the door of living room where my dad and mom were watching TV.

"So so so" I jumped up and down excitedly. Excitement clearly shown in my eyes. Mom and dad looked at me confused, mom asked "so so what?" "My gift!! Where is it??" I asked as I walked in front of them

"But your birthday is tomorrow" dad said

"Oh come on! It's only few hours til 12:00 am!" I gave them the puppy dog eyes, both of them wore sunglasses to block my puppy dog eyes "i- where did you get that from?" I questioned "anyway that doesn't matter. Please give me my gift now. pretty please with a cherry at top!"

"No [y/n]" mom said with a close eyes smiled

"If we gave you the gift now it wouldn't be fun now come on go to your room and you will get the gift when you wake up tomorrow" dad said drag me to my room. "I hate you" I pout "I love you too kiddo" he replied

I closed the door then went towards my bed and opened my laptop which was on the bed

I spent few hours watching anime, And as I was at the middle of watching shugo chara my laptop died "ugh..!" I groaned as I got out of my bed to put the laptop to charging.

I put my laptop on charging then turned around now I was face to face with a woman with short hair. She had punchy pink just like mine..? My eyes widened when our eyes meet

She had crimson pink eyes which almost look like bloody red. "W-who are you?!"

Present time

I walked towards her "um who are you..?" I asked

"It was your mother job to explain but I guess I have to this Shitty job" she complained then sat on my bed she mentioned me to sat on the ground "why the heck am I sitting on the ground this room belongs to me" I complained in my mind

"Now listen carefully cuz I'm not gonna repeat myself" I nod my head and said "okay"

"I'm the goddesses of curses the most powerful curse that ever existed" she exclaimed. i raised my hand and asked "uh what is a cures?"

the girl who has the goddesses of curses by her side || Jujutsu Kaisen x readerWhere stories live. Discover now