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They all talked about how many they stumbled over while drunk. Stephano did not trust Toby a little around Litanane. Cause the last time a girl came here in the mansion and Toby was there, he flirted with her all day. But now he have not heard a single flirt from him, was it because he has hangover? The reason was because he saw the pictures of them kissing."next time you should be careful in your cooking, Litanane." Noted Toby eating his roast turkey. "hmmm?" she hummed at him." there's blood on your finger, you must have cut yourself?" he said pointing her at her left hand with his fork. "o-oh ye-yeah i did." she stuttered. She remembered the fight she had with the three knights. They knight must have cut her finger, but she must have not notice the cut.

After there Delicious dinner, they went back to there rooms. Toby slept in Pewdie's and Cry's room, on the really big couch. Stephano and Litanane cuddled up each other, giving each other some warmth. Stephano gave a soft small kiss to LItanane's forehead then the both drifted off to sleep.


Stephano woke up swinging his other arm to the other side. He was suprised that Litanane was not there. He walked around the mansion looking for her. Then he came to Pewdie's and Cry's room seeing them playing around with there laptop they bought every time they came to the mansion."Son of a Biscuit! I almost won!" said Toby as he looked over to Pewdie. "YE-YE-YEAH! I WON!" Said pewdie as he fist pumbed. "I almost won!" said Cry  slapping the palm of hishand to his face. Stephano chuckled "Hey have you guys seen Litanane?" Said Stephano and opened the door a little more wide so they can see him. They all shook there heads. Stephano frowned then closed the door. He then walked outside of the mansion. He walked to the edge of the dock then looked at the sky. Then she heard a giggle from behind. He turned around to see laila in some kind of hawaii suit. He blushed on how good she looked in that suit. She had a white flower hanging from her ear. She was wearing a short skirt and a shirt that shown her belly button.

"Hey Stephano." She said tip-toeing to kiss his nose. He smiled of just realising of how small she is compared to him. He bend over untill he was eye level with her. "midjet." he teased causing LItanane to playfully pushed him. He gasped as he fell to the ocean.

She laughed, He could not help but smile of that really cute laugh she has.


Hello a new chapter has been finished! i hope you like it!

STEPHANO X OC LITANANE {ON HOLD}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu