Coming to an understanding

Start from the beginning

*Friday at the arena for Smackdown*

Logan walks into Hunter's office to explain the situation with him and the girls and explains that he wants to start a faction with them as well. After a minute or so of silence he finally speaks up

Hunter: "The human in me isn't sure what to think of this relationship that you are going to have, but the creative idea you have for it is a good idea. All 3 of you with blonde hair, maybe your southern charm is what keeps them around, maybe even give Liv and Alexa a shot at the tag titles that way all 3 of you can travel together. I say we plant the seeds tonight with your championship match..."

Logan leaves the office after a little more discussion with Hunter and he decides to keep the surprise from Liv so she can have a genuine reaction to it.

*Halfway through the show*

The camera shows Elias strumming his guitar backstage as he walks up on Liv who is sitting on a crate and he stops and looks at her and strums his guitar while singing

Elias: "Liv Morgan, i don't mean to be biased. But what do you say you take a walk with Elias?"

Liv shakes her head no and he keeps going

Elias: "Come on Ms Morgan, won't you change your mind? A woman like you needs to be wined and dined"

Liv: "I said no thank you"

Elias starts to go again but before he could say anything there is a hand smacked on his shoulder rather hard and the camera turns to see Logan in his big cowboy hat and the crowd goes nuts when they see him. He slowly slides the guitar off of Elias shoulder and starts to strum it himself and sing to Elias

Logan: "Elias my man, you are now out of luck. The lady said no so don't be a schmuck. But now you've done it, you pissed off the outlaw. So say goodbye to your precious guitar" after the last word he kicks Elias in the stomach and he hunches over and Logan breaks the guitar over Elias' back. Liv looks on in shock as she looks down at Elias knocked out on the floor then back at Logan

Logan: *tips his cowboy hat to Liv* "Ma'am. He shouldn't be bothering you anymore"

He walks off and the camera cuts to Liv who is watching his every move and biting her lip as the camera cuts to the next segment

She was going to catch up with Logan but she knows his championship match is coming up so she will leave him to focus and she will see him out there anyway.

*The main event*

Logan makes his way to the ring wearing his cowboy hat, no shirt, his jeans and work boots for his match. He high fives some kids on the way and he slides in the ring tipping his hat to the crowd and he yells

Logan: "Hey Graves! Look after this for me i got a title to win" and he takes it off and throws it like a frisbee toward Corey Graves on commentary

Corey Graves: "With pleasure Outlaw" he catches it and put it on "What do you think Cole? Can i pull it off?"

Michael Cole: "I think you should give it back to Logan once he is done"

Romans music hits and he comes out to the ring holding his title high in the air then throwing it over his shoulder as he makes his way to the ring. The ring announcer introduces the both of us and the bell rings and the match begins

*Towards the end of the match*

It's been an insane match between the 2, the chemistry between the 2 was incredible almost as if they have been wrestling each other for years. Both men were exhausted and the match was going to end any moment. Logan was down and Roman was resting in the corner as he slowly got to his feet and loaded up for a Superman punch until music started playing through the arena

Liv comes from behind the curtain and stands on the ramp as the crowd is going insane

Michael Cole: "Liv Morgan?! What is she doing out here?!"

Corey Graves: "Maybe she is returning the favor to The American Outlaw for taking care of Elias earlier"

She comes down to the ring and Roman is staring daggers through her as she hops up on the apron and waves playfully at him while Logan is able to regain his composure and he spins Roman around and kicks him in the gut and hits his finisher, "The Working Mans Slam" (basically Mark Henry's Worlds strongest slam except he doesn't drop to his knees) and goes for the cover

1 - 2 - 3!!!

The bell rings and Logan is declared the new Universal champion and the crowd is going insane as the ref hands him the belt. Liv gets in the ring and holds his hand in the air in victory. Graves stands up on commentary and flips the cowboy hat into the ring and Liv grabs it and puts it on his head and she jumps on him giving him a huge kiss in the middle of the ring as the crowd goes even more insane for this. Logan sells it and staggers a little as if in shock as Liv blows him another kiss and leaves the ring as his music plays and the show ends

He makes it backstage and basically the whole locker room is there to applaud him. He shakes Hunter and Vince's hands before turning and seeing Roman

Roman: "Hell of a match out there. Can't wait to do battle again" he holds out his fist for a bump and Logan returns it

Logan: "Likewise brother"

He walks off and after sifting through everyone he is joined again by Liv who has her phone in her hand

Liv: "Someone wants to congratulate you" she says as she turns the camera around and Alexa is on the screen

Alexa: "Hey champ, congratulations. I didn't know you could play guitar"

Liv: "Yeah neither did i"

Logan: "When you grow up on a farm with no cable you find a way to entertain yourself" he says with a laugh to the both of them "I'll have to play you both something soon"

They talk for a little longer until Liv chimes in

Liv: "Well it's time for the new champ and I to head to the hotel for the night"

Alexa: "Yeah i need to take care of the zoo before bed myself. Bye Gionna, bye champ" she says giving him a wink and blowing a kiss to the both of them as they hang up the call

Liv: "Now, just because you the champ doesn't mean you aren't going to carry me to the rental to go to the hotel" she says jumping on his back "To the car" she says pointing in the direction of the garage and you roll your eyes but carry her all the same to the rental

You arrive at the hotel a little later and grab a drink at the bar with a couple of your coworkers before finally heading up to your rooms, which happen to be across the hall from each other

Logan: "Goodnight G"

She pulls him down for a deep and passionate make out session, their tongues fighting for dominance until she pulls away quickly and bites her lip

Liv: "Goodnight my outlaw, see you in the morning" as she turns around and opens her door and closes it behind her

He enters his room as well and sends Alexa a good night text before flopping down on the bed and instantly passing out from the crazy night and the drinks downstairs


*Discontinued* Unusual Partners (Alexa Bliss x Liv Morgan x OC)Where stories live. Discover now