Chapter 1

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"Okay, okay, I get it." My dad can be the hardest of people sometimes. My mom died of Cancer when I was 4 years old. My dad had to get a job that really stinks. His boss is a lunatic and he's way too overpowering. " Rebecca, we have to move for this job, it's the only one that gives us enough money to get through the weeks. No, not weeks, years."
"I know, but I love it in Miami. I don't want to leave" I mumble this so I won't start an argument. "Just start packing," my dad says as he turns around to put the groceries ( which are only enough for one week ) in the refrigerator. I walk down the hall to my room. I hop onto the bed and pull my phone to text Carry. Carry Is my best friend. I've known her since pre school and we've been going to the same school ever since. Until this year. I tell her the news and she calls me. I answer my phone and when I pick it up I have to move it away from my ear to prevent damage. All I hear is a series of grunts, screams, and the angriest noises you could think of. "Uuggghhh!! Why in the heck are you leaving?" Carry asks me, almost as if she's out if breath. "My dad's stupid job, with a stupid boss, for stupid money."
"I don't want you to leave."
"Trust me, I don't want to leave either."
"My dad's calling me. TTYL."
"Bye becca"

Hi, @ilovezeepiggies here. Let me know if you liked this chapter!!:) this my first book so, it might not be that good, but thanks for reading. Stay awesome;)!!!!

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