[ten] charlie turns french when he's scared

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"I wanted you to kiss me and I reacted for a moment before I got scared. I always get scared. I always think of how something could go wrong and other shit I shouldn't be thinking about. But I do, I fucking do and all I feel is that hand around my throat."

"What are you so scared of?" He tried to joke but she glared up at him, "I'd never put you in situations you wouldn't want to be in, I'll stop running away from things that scare me too. I don't understand why you're so...angry at me all the time."

"I'm not angry," she roughed out before peaking over to see if the nurse was eavesdropping, she wasn't even in the office anymore so she went over to his side and sat on the bed.

"It might seem like I am, I've been told I could be kind of a bitch when I talk. Most times it's because I'm not thinking, or maybe I'm thinking too much to the point where the tone completely dissolved. But I'm not mad. Charlie, have you ever done anything to make me mad?"

He shrugged, "Isn't that why we're so conflicted over this? I bully you, you stomp around like a toddler, and then pinch my ears until I have to call my mom to tell her about you?"

"You gossip with your mom about me?"

"Besides the point," his cheeks went red as he tried to fly over the topic. "I've done plenty to get you mad, I don't even know why you like me back. Or if you do for that fact."

"Charlie, if everyone was so worried on whether or not someone liked them we would all lose our friendships within a few hours. I don't know why you like me but I respect that one day you will tell me, that might be in a few minutes that might be in a few years when you're off at Stanford and I'm baking cookies for Christmas dinner," if I had a quarter for every time I rambled I could pay off Theresa. "Sure you get me mad some times but I already passed the two day mark, I already passed the two weeks, in a matter of time it could be two years or two decades. I'm staying...and no matter how many times you get me mad, there's nowhere to run except toward you."

"Yeah, and the hills," he said to himself. He put the paper in her hands and closed her fist for her, the paper made a crumbling sound and then he stood up, "I want you to have that...so that in a couple years when I'm off at Princeton making sure that school shuts down because its too expensive, you could open some memory box and think of that one boy who told you he loved you after one good night. Maybe I would've matured a little more and won't brood when you call me and we could actually have good conversations."

He went to the bathroom to brush his teeth, Sigrid stood up and checked the clock. The ten minutes had passed, "Charlie?"

He spat out the mint to talk, "Yes?"

She took the referrals from the desk before trying to examine the nurse's sloppy handwriting and getting another referral from the box. She tried to copy it, and no matter how poor the job was she doubted anyone could tell the difference. "Yes?" he called again when she didn't answer before sighing and opening the door for her to go inside. She took at the referrals she had in her hands hesitantly before setting his on top of the paper container. He raised an eyebrow before spitting out and grabbing the paper. He read it with his toothbrush in his mouth.

She smiled as he read and quickly finished brushing his teeth. "You're evil," Charlie threw the toothbrush in the trash as he grinned at her.

"It's the least I could do for making you vomit on Keating's shoes."

He opened the door and they both walking out. They quickly tried getting out of the office to make sure none of the aides would ask them questions but Sigrid couldn't open the door. Charlie opened the other side, which opened without a problem. She grumbled as Charlie joked about the please use the other door sign.

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