"I said the quadratic formula was boring. You're too hot to be boring," Libra said.

"Literally stop flirting with me," Virgo said. "You're going to make our friends ship us more."

"But they're not here."

"So? Pisces and Aquarius might be here, spying on their ship."

"It's okay. If they're spying, we can give them what they want."



"Let's go to the park that Andi showed us earlier since you hate my house so much."

"I didn't say I hate it!"

"Whatever. Let's just go," Virgo said. The two went to the park.

"I want ice cream," Libra said on the way.

"And I want a boyfriend. But I guess neither of us can get what we want."

"I can solve that problem," Libra said and winked.

"Libra! You'll make potential future boyfriends not wanna make a move on me!"

"And who's gonna wanna be with you?" Libra asked. Virgo slapped his arm and Libra laughed.

"I would," a guy said and walked up to Virgo. "I'm Micheal. You can call me Mike."

"H-Hey Mike," Virgo said. He was super flustered. Mike was really attractive. (i'm aroace and am only attracted to girls aesthetically so idk what attractive guys look like so just picture the most attractive looking guy you can think of and that's what Mike looks like)

"Hello Mike," Libra said and narrowed his eyes. Virgo kicked Libra in the shin. "OW!" Libra then held his shin and was trying to balance on the other foot.

"Ignore my friend here," Virgo said.

"Uh... okay. What are your names?" Mike asked.

"I'm Virgo and my friend over there is Libra," Virgo said.

"I can introduce myself, thank you very much," Libra said and stood on both feet again.

"Doesn't look like it," Virgo said.

"Are you two close?" Mike asked.

"We're best friends. Just beware: he's the mom friend," Libra said. Virgo gave him a look which went "shut up or I'll kick you in the shin again". Libra ignored it.

"It's okay," Mike said.

"And our friends ship us. Especially two of them. So if you don't mind that you're good," Libra said. Virgo kicked him in the shin again. "OW YOU GOTTA STOP DOING THAT!" He dramatically fell and laid on the ground, still holding his shin.

"Do either of you like, like like each other?" Mike asked, ignoring poor Libra.

"No," Virgo said.

"Even if I did, he ruined it by kicking me in the fucking shin two times," Libra said.

"And whose fault is that?" Virgo asked.

life with the zodiacs (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now