"You sailor!"

"Cotton sir" said Gibbs introducing Mr Cotton.

"Mr Cotton, do you have the courage and fortitude to follow orders and stay true in the face of danger and almost certain death" Jack breathed out the last word right into Mr Cottons face, almost to prove his point. "Mr Cotton answer me!"

Gibbs stepped forward, "Uh, he's a mute sir. Poor devil had his tongue cut out." Mr Cotton opened his mouth to show what was no more than a quarter of a tongue. Jack pulled his head back and stuck his tongue out. Showing his discomfort to what had been placed before him. The other lad raised an eyebrow, he looked confused?

"So he trained the parrot to talk for him, no ones yet figured how" Everyone looked rather impressed and began walking down the line. Until Jack stopped and went back to Cotton.

"Mr Cottons.. parrot. same question."

"Wind in the your sails, wind in your sails" Even ponytail boy looked impressed.

"Mostly we figured that means yes..." Gibbs added reassuringly.

"Course it does." Jack nodded with a grin. "Satisfied?"

Ponytail boys eyes widen and shook his head, "Well you've proved their mad!"

"And whats the benefit for us?" Came a shout from a few men infront of me... Well I'm not sure it to be a man? Everyone took a double take towards the voice and began to walk closer. Jack lowered himself and looked at the man concerned. He lifted up the hat to reveal a women.

My friend, my sister, Anamaria!

Jack grinned, but like a worried grin? "Anamaria" Her hand came out and slapped him right round the face.

"I suppose you didn't deserve that one either" said the other lad raising an eyebrow.

"No that one I deserved" Ana nodded.

"You stole my BOAT!"

"Actual-" Another slap to the face.... ouch

"Borrowed!" Jack moved his jaw "Borrowed, without permission. But with every intention of bringing it back!"

"But you DIDN'T"

He smiled "You'll get another one..." She pointed a finger in his face, "I will!"

"A better one!" Nodded ponytail. "A better one!" repeated Jack.

"That one." the lad pointed to the boat Jack had arrived in. "What one?" Eveyone looked at it and Ana lowered her hand. "...that one" Jack said gritting his teeth. The lad nodded. "Aye, that one" He smiled. "What say you!" Anamaria shouted aye back louder than the rest.

"Aye" I said after everyone else and stepped out of line.

"Sailor back in lin-" Jacks eyes widened "Be? Belle is that you?" I smiled and took off my hat. "Aye, it is Jacky" Jack looked at Mr Gibbs, tilted his head and raised his eyebrows "And you didn't think to tell me, you signed mini me?"

"I am not a mini version of you"

"Aye, you are" Jack nodded. "Mum and dad obviously decided they needed more of me in their life and created you." He tilted his head and smiled sweetly at me.

I rolled my eyes, "I won't have this argument again, they obviously weren't satisfied with you." I stepped forwards right into his face and grinned, "So had me!" I tapped him on the nose and he backed his head away quickly. He raised an eyebrow and tapped his feet having a mini fit. "Oh shut it."

"Ha, you know I'm right brother" I crossed my arms and laughed. "Aye Jack, you know she's right" grinned Anamaria at him.

"Oh god, both of them on the same boat..." Jack screamed into the air "GET MY PISTOL, shoot me please. Send me to the locker of Davy Jones" Me and Ana laughed and rolled our eyes. "How rude Jack" He looked me in the eyes, "Oh, what now!" I raised my eyebrows at him and looked at ponytail next to him.

"Who's the ponytail?" I said looking him up and down.

"That is Mr William Turner" He sighed. I looked at him shocked and back at Jack. "Bootstrap?"


"Wow, he is an image of old Bootstrap" I looked at William and smiled. "I'm Belle, Belle Sparrow. You may call me Be."

"No you may not!"

"Cap'n, we need to set sail!"

"Aye Mr Gibbs, Sailors on deck!"

I looked at William and whispered, "Ignore my brother, you are to call me Be" He nodded and smiled and said "And me Will."

I grinned up my right cheek, "Aye, Will."



Hello! This is the first chapter! I hope you enjoyed it. It's a bit messy so I'm sorry, but I hope everything made sense.

Belle and Anamaria are bestfriends by the way, just to clear it up for you!

Seems like Jack is really looking forward to this voyage with his little sister! Don't worry, there are many more sibling squabbles to come yet.

See you next chapter! :)

Thank you for reading lovelies,
- isimpforPeterPan

Sparrow's sister.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora