Tetra Beauty and Alien Beast

Start from the beginning

Leo: oh yeah you and Kai 

Ben: ugh no nevermind 

Leo: nope to late, tell me how great you two lovebirds are

Ben groans as leo and rook laugh. On the plumbers headquarters, Ben team put Zombozo and his goons into their new cells. 

Leo: hey guys I'm going to get a bite to eat. I heard max made fried grub 

Leo leaves as Ben gags. Ben and rook meet up with max and see he in a conversation with patelliday.

Ben: hey grandpa what's wrong 

Max: well as you know Leo and you went on an brawl across the universe.

Ben: yeah I remember going to khoros 

Max: and how Leo saved the universe, aliens are puns the universe are praising him

Patelliday: and let's just say there's a special fan 

They sigh as max pressed a button and the screen turned on revealing looma red wind. This caused to scream and hide behind Rook.

 This caused to scream and hide behind Rook

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Ben: ah looma

Max: relax Ben it's only a recording.

Max then plays the video.

Looma: attention plumbers, I am hear to tell you that I found a worthy betrothed, the one who defeated me in battle with power, speed and agility. So I need you to bring me my betrothed, or else I'll will come there with my armada.

Ben: well this should be easy, who is it

Looma: I need you to bring me Leo 9

Rook: well that's going to be difficult 

Ben: relax she doesn't know he was frenzyback, we can just tell her-

Looma: and don't even think about saying that he wasn't the alien that bested me in battle, I know perfectly clear that he wears the predatrix.

Ben: oh man

Looma: I will be waiting, goodbye former beloved.

Then the video ended and everyone saw Leo entered eating grubs.

Leo: so what I miss.

Later the others were showing Leo videos of looma red wind.

Ben 10 Omniverse:  the Predatrix AwakenedWhere stories live. Discover now