Chapter 2 - Woods, A Girl and Gunshot Wound

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Caitlín's been running around the woods hiding in trees hunting for food and water for the entire langth of the apocalypse.

As she was running through the woods from a horde that came from the highway when she heard a scream coming from the highway and saw a little girl running from two walkers with a man dressed in a sheriff's uniform following after her. The little girl ran into Caitlín and they both fell with an 'omph'.

Caitlín grabbed her knife and threw it past the sheriff's head into one of the two walkers head making it drop on the floor. Rick ran past Caitlín and to Sophia who was holding onto Caitlín and ran to a pond with a tree with roots for covering.

"You come with me." Rick said growling at Caitlín. "Sophia stay here you'll be safe." Rick said in a more gentle voice.

"Uh, excuse me but I'm staying 'ere to protect the lass you go and kill the walkers." Caitlín said crossing her arms. Rick grabbed Caitlín and dragged her away from the pond to the other walker that was getting closer.

"I said no." Caitlín said her Irish accent getting stronger with her anger. Caitlín threw her fist and connecting with Rick's jaw and ran back towards Sophia's hiding place. When Caitlín got there she noticed Sophia wasn't there. Caitlín followed her tracks just like Daryl had taught her to a tree with a piece of Sophia's shirt on it. Caitlín looked up and saw Sophia in the tree hugging her knees to her chest.

"Sweetheart why don' ya come down 'ere I'll keep ya safe I promise." Caitlín said startling Sophia.

Sophia climbed down the tree and hugged Caitlín and started crying. "I want my mom." Sophia said crying more.

"And I'll get ya ta yer mama I promise."

Caitlín said rubbing Sophia's back. Caitlín stared humming an Irish song while she picked up the young girl and started following her own tracks back towards the pond but got even more lost and found her way to a farm house where an elderly man was working with a horse when he saw Caitlín and Sophia come from the trees.

"Where any of you bit?" He asked.

Caitlín shook her head no. "I was runnin' in the woods from a hoard of the dead when I heard a scream so I  followed it and I found 'er about to get eaten by the walkers so I killed them and saved 'er." The elderly man nodded his head.

"Where you headed right now?" He asked.

"To the highway. That's where she said her mama is sir." Caitlín said. It may be the apocalypse but she still used her manners.

"You can stay here for as long as you can to recover. My names Hershel." The man introduced himself.

"Caitlín Ann Dixon sir." Caitlín and Hershel both walked to the farm house with Sophia still asleep.

"Where ya from? If ya don' mind me askin'." Hershel asked.

"Ireland originally. Then I moved to Boston with my two best friends. Then after a couple years I moved to Georgia and met my husband. He was me best friend at first then I fell in love wit' 'im." Caitlín explained while they continued walking. Hershel listened to the Irish women talk about her husband and had a look like she just discovered that she was in love with him even though they have been together for six years and almost two of then they where married.

Sophia woke up a couple hours later when it was almost dark out side. They decided to stay the night and in the morning go to the highway to get Sophia back to her mother and go on her way to try and find Daryl and her brothers. Caitlín talked to Hershel's daughter Maggie and became instant friends. Sophia was having a fun time with Beth being girls while Hershel was listening to both of his daughters laughing.

While Maggie and Caitlín where talking outside they saw an outline of four people running towards the farm house, and one of them holding a boy of no more than twelve or thirteen with a gun shot wound to his stomach. Maggie called for Hershel Caitlín noticed that the same man she saw in the forest that day with Sophia was there holding the young boy.

"Was he bit?" Hershel said asking the same question he did to Caitlín.

"No. Shot. By your man." Rick responded.

Hershel took the boy and put him in the room down the hall and started working on the boy. After Maggie left to get Carl's mom, Rick's wife when Rick grabs Caitlín by her shirt and pins her to the wall.

"Where the fuck is the little girl you went to get? Answer me!" Rick yelled.

Caitlín breathed in and out calming herself down. "Let go of me before I hurt ye." Caitlín says in her southern accent confusing Rick. "The little girl. Sophia, She's safe. I found her in a tree and I went to go back to the highway but I found this place. Hershel was going to let us stay the night. Then I was going to go too the highway and get her ta her mama." Caitlín explains. "I don't want ta cause trouble 'cause all I'm trying to do is find my husband and my brothers." Rick let's go of Caitlín and shakes his head.

Rick looks at her after a minute. "Where is she?" He asks.

"Upstairs asleep. I can help your boy, I went to school to be a nurse." Caitlín said. Rick looked at Caitlín wide-eyed.

Caitlín ran past Rick and into Carl's room and started helping Hershel. A little bit later Caitlín came out after stopping the bleeding for now and wrapping the wound for Hershel so when Shane and Otis got back from the high school he could do the surgery. She was cleaning of blood when a woman with long brown hair and skinny came in the house screaming for Carl.

Rick came down and took her to Carl's room where they stayed. A bit later Caitlín heard a motorcycle engine coming towards the house. Maggie went outside.

"Did you shut the gate?" There where a few other words then a black man with a large cut in his arm and a Asian looking kid that looked no more then twenty three. "Caitlín. Since dad's busy can you please take care of T-Dog?" Maggie asks looking at him. He looked like he was in so much pain all he could do was nod his head. Caitlín smiled while guiding T-Dog into a room next to Carl's and grabbed stuff to clean and sanitize his wound so she could stitch it up.

"This will sting a bit." Caitlín say pouring the hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol mix onto his wound cleaning it. T-Dog hisses in pain clenching his teeth. "Almost done sir." T-Dog looks at

"How many times have you done this before?" He asks curious.

"More then I can count. Just thank your luck stars that after getting shot you need to have one of your brothers and a friend pin you down and have the other brother get the bullet out then use an iron to cauterize your wound." Caitlín says remembering all of it. "Let me tell you. That hurts like a bitch." T-Dog laughs. Caitlín and T-Dog start joking a bit the whole hour it takes to do his stitches.

"What's your husbands name?" T-Dog asks.
"Huh?" She asks confused. "Oh, sh- sorry I was out of it a bit." Caitlín says with a small laugh. "His names Daryl Dixon. He was my best friend before we dated. Sweetest guy I ever known." Caitlín says like she was a teenage girl talking about her first love. "I hope to find him soon."

T-Dog is shocked by Caitlín's words but still looks at her with a warm smile and tells her that she hoped she would be able to find Daryl.

"Me too." Caitlín whispered. "Me too."

(A/N - Hey walker killers hope you liked this chapter! Anyway I'm doing this as close to the seasons as possible but from memory but also adding a small twist to it also to fit what I want. Sophia is alive for now I'm not killing her off just yet. Next chapter I promise will have Daryl in it so do not worry.

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