CHAPTER 1 - Chat Knows All, Tells All

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Your father woke you up at 8 AM, forcing you to get online even though your stream wasn't meant to start until 5 PM. He told you that you had to be active online now, even if you weren't streaming.

With a sigh, you figured you could work on a project you had ideas about. It was made to be a regular YouTube video, not a stream. For it, you had to make a new world and start to edit the code to some mods.


A few hours later it was 12, and you were nearly done with the coding when your father busted into the room. He dragged you out harshly and forced you into the bathroom. "Go now, no more for the day." His red and angry face scrunched up in a rather gross manner, and he spat on you quite a bit as he spoke.

Quickly you used the bathroom and went back, quickly being thrown back into your room. After checking Discord you found you had received a message from Tommy mere seconds ago.

'Hey want to join a bedwars stream with me? I'm about to start'

You hurried to reply.

'Depends, can I self-advertise?'


'Then yes'

'Pog, vc?'

Not even bothering to reply, you hit the call button on Tommy's profile and heard the familiar ring as you waited for him to answer. It took barely a second for him to pick up.

"Hi (Y/N)."
"Hi Tommy!"
"I'm gonna start now."

You watched as he deafened as he started the stream and welcomed everyone. As he was doing that you left the world you were previously in and started to join Hypixel.

It took barely a few minutes, but Tommy undeafened and said,"And today we are joined by my good friend, (Y/N)! Say hello to the people, (Y/N)!"

Letting out a scoff before replying, you began with a sarcastic tone, "I'm only here because Tommy said I could self advertise on his stream."
The Brit let out an awkward chuckle, shaking his head, "Let's not-" he quickly trailed off as he joined the game.

"Because Tommy said I could self advertise, I'm streaming with Big Man Phil later today, 5pm GMT. Be there. Or else." You spoke threateningly. It went silent for a concerning amount of time before Tommy replied to you.

"(Y/N) I think you've been spending too much time with Technoblade and Ranboo they've made you all sarcastic and violent."
"Me? Sarcastic? Violent?! Never!" You spoke sarcastically.

As you spoke you noticed the party invite in the corner of your screen from Tommy, quickly accepting it as you joined a game.

Awkwardly the other teen spoke,"ANYWAYS enough with that, LET'S PLAY SOME BEDWARSSSSS!"


Three and a half hours went by when Tommy had ended stream, you talked to him for a good 30 minutes afterwards. Now it was 4:15 PM. You still had quite a bit of time before the steam. You decided to go on Twitter for a bit.

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