Chapter II: Black Jack.

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What in the world was Whitey Winn doing at my table, in New Orleans?!?!

I was so puzzled I almost yelled curse words which probably would have gotten me fired.

"M'am? Mis, are you doing alright?" He asked looking at me intensely.

I realized that I was making a scene.
"Of course sir." I said, then I got up and returned a few moments later with his drink.

"Hit me!" One of the men said and I placed a card down onto his cards.
His number was at 24.
"Dadgumit"  he shouted as he hit his hands against the table.
(Dadgumit, if you don't know, is a term used highly in the Southeast. It's said in the same way you'd say "darn it".)

"Hit me." Another man said, he also lost.

Renaldo looked at his cards and said "I require another one.".

The man sitting next to him chuckled and said: " that's fancy talking for hit me"

I placed a card down. His number was exactly 21.

(The point of the game black jack is for you to add cards at random until the numbers on the cards add up to 21. It's a game won strictly by chance, unless of course, you've got the cards stacked in your favor.)

Whitey said: "hit me" As he chugged the last of his drink.

I placed a card down. He also got twenty one. He had bet 5 dollars, I handed him the chip

"Thank you kindly Darlin". He said as he got up, picked up his hat and headed off toward the bar.

As soon as he left I let another girl take my place and I ran towards him. I grabbed his arm and pulled him into a side room.

"What in the name of God are you doing here Whitey?!" I asked

"What do you think I'm doing here? I'm here for the money!" He said signaling towards Renaldo.

"As I recall you already have a significant amount of money!"

"I'm moving out of La Belle! I need extra cash and if I can bring him in then I can live relatively comfortably." He said

"You think, you, a washed out deputy, can bring Renaldo Ledbetter in? Even we were hesitant to try this case! He's dangerous Whitey! Go home!" I said angrily.

"Darling, I'm Whitey Winn, I'm painfully lucky, and I'm an amazing shot."

"Not compared to me your not!" I said annoyed.

"You think your faster than me?" He said smiling as if it was funny.

"I don't think it, I know it."

"Well we'll just have to test that theory."

"Whitey, how exactly am I supposed protect you if your off in lala land thinking you can bring in Renaldo Ledbetter."

"You don't protect me, I can take care of myself. Either way, Sophie, I'm sorr—" I cut him off

"Shut up!" I said and I pointed behind him. Through the door Renaldo was taking money from some guy.

"Did he win?" Whitey asked

"Only one round"  I answered

" How much did he bet?" Whitey interrogated me.

"About 50 bucks" I answered

"That is way more than a hundred. This is what he does, he steals from folks who beat him. And he kills or seriously injures the people in the process"

"Shit! We need to get that money." I said placing my hand on my hidden knife.

"For what?"

"It's evidence! We could get more money if we have more proof." I said annoyed

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