"What can you tell me about myself?"

        She wasn't prepared for that. The look of suprise must've been a good one because Betty giggled. 

        "That's what I thought."

        Evie looked over Betty. Her posture was impecable. She sat with authority, but that wasn't enough to make a reasonable deduction. If there was one thing from reading Sherlock Holmes, it was how to read people. 

        That was it! Read her physical discription. She looked at her fingers. She had small calluses on her finger tips. Evie also noticed that her chin was tilted slightly downward. It was a wild guess, but it was something. 

        Got 'cha

        "Do you play a violin?" Evie blurted.

        Betty looked up suprised, then, almost, impressed. She looked at Evie head to toe, like a preditor eyeing it's prey. 

        "I'll give you a week."

        Confused, Evie sat up on her stool. Betty handed her the paper for their work, then turned to the table and worked on the experiment. Evie wrote down the information. Science might not be so bad after all...


        The rest of the day went by fairly quickly. After science, she had english, which was by far, her favorite class. Then she had math, art, and the rest of the most boring classes. As she was walking out of U.S. history at the end of the day, she saw her roomate, Nikki, sitting on the bench just outside the door. She was reading the newest issue of Vouge, her bright red hair in two unnaturally well kept pigtails. She looked up at Evie. 

        "Gosh, Evie! It took you long enough. I need you to come back to the dorm with me, I left my key there this morning." She put her magazine in her bag and gestured for them to leave. They began to walk to the dorms. She and Nikki had been friends from the day of orientation. They always talked movies and books. Despite her appearence, Nikki was actually a huge comic book fan. Ask her anything about the Avenger and she would give you the whole story line of each of the characters.

        "Hey, I met your brother today."

        "Oh, really?" Evie never really talked to her brother. Eithan was a senior and he had a very different friend group. He was also kind of an idiot, but maybe that was just what she thought. She looked at her roommate. She knew what was happening.

        "Oh my gosh! You like my brother, don't you?" she whispered. Nikki's face turned as red as her hair. Evie let out a hearty laugh, "Well, I guess he is the type of guy everyone would have a crush on."  

        "Maybe I do. So what?" she blurted.

        Evie giggled. "Hey, I am not judging."

        They talked about Eithan untill they got to the Dorms. Their room was on the first floor of the big house. They walked through the victorian hallway, to the end of the hall. 

        Their room was not very big but, it was alright. their beds were on opposite sides of the room and their desks were on either side of the window. Broken down cardboard boxes littered the floor, and there were still more filled on both beds. As soon at they finished their school work, they began to finish unpacking. 

        "So, how are things with you and Logan?" She asked carefully.

        Evie stopped. It had been almost three months since she had seen Logan. Even hearing his name gave her a sour feeling. She and Logan dated for about five months before they had their big fight. They hadn't spoken since.

        "How do you think?" She said dismissively. Nikki then became very interested in unpacking. She didn't mean for it to sound to cruel, she was only trying to help.

       "I'm sorry, it's still a touchy subject for me," she whispered.

        "It's okay, I understand." Nikki smiled, then turned to look Evie. " You know what we should do?"

        Evie turned to face her friend. "What's that?"

        "We should go get burgers from Jeb's Corner and come back and watch 80"s movies!" She spun around singing Footloose. Nikki was definatley one of the most hyper person she knew.

        "Okay, you're on." Nikki threw up her arms like when someone scores a touchdown.

         Evie went to grab a coat out of her closet. As she was going through her various jackets, she saw an odd crack in the left wall of the closet that she didn't notice before. She tried to make a gap so that she could see better but the clothes were in her way. She started taking clothes out and putting them on her bed.

        "Evie, what are you doing?" She asked in a worried tone. 

        "Come have a look. See that?" Evie pointed to the crack, which extended to the back of the closet which was about a meter and met with two other cracks. The top crack was a little higher than eye level, but signifivantly shorter than the top of the closet. It looked almost like a door. Nikki went to her desk and brought back and empty cup. She touched the cup outside of the outline. she pressed her ear to the cup and knocked on the wall. The wall was definatly solid. 

        She then put the cup inside the outline, placed her ear on the cup and knocked. The wall was hollow. 

        "Evie, can you hand me my knife?" Nikki suggested. Evie went to Nikki"s purse, where she produced a small swiss army knife. She brought it back and handed it to Nikki. 

        "I had better not chip my nail polish," she mumbled.

        With some effort, the wall was gone and a small doorway was exposed. the doorway opened up into a small room, like a walk-in closet. Evie got out her phone and used it't flashlight to see the room clearly. 

        The walls of the room were suprisingly clean, but the floor was covered in wood chips rat droppings. It smelled sour and musty. In the middle of the room, there was an old, spiral staircase. She couldn't see where it went. She walked down a few steps with Nikki close behind. They decended the stairs untill they heard scraping comimg from above them.

        "What is that?" Nikki shuddered. Evie didn't want to think about that right now.

        Just as they were nearing the end of the stairs, they heard a shrill scream, and saw two green eyes in the darkness.

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