Chapter 2: Darkening Shadows

Start from the beginning

"Weezing use Strange Stream!" The Weezing blew a cloud of a sparkling fog towards the Scrafty.

"Dodge it," Jisung commanded. The Scrafty dashed to its side. "Now use Focus Punch." The Scrafty then charged his fist with a powerful aura before hitting the Weezing. He then looked up at the monitors overhead, barely half, such a shame.

"Weezing use Sludge Wave!" Chenle shouted. His pokemon summoned a wave of purplish ooze and send it at every direction, hitting the Scrafty well enough.

The Scrafty survived the attack, going down a half also. "Now Scrafty use Foul Play," Jisung said, making his Scrafty run towards the Weezing. The Scrafty first circled the Weezing before hitting it with an open palm glowing with a dark energy. This energy attacks with the same physical power a target pokemon has, hence the attack took a great amount of health from the pokemon.

Chenle looked up and saw his pokemon is in red health, he is getting worried of losing. Good thing that he manage to hit the Scrafty and manage to lower its health. So he has an idea, "Weezing use Strange Stream again and this time circle it around!" He saw Jisung visibly froze when he said that. Weezing repeated his first attack but circled around to 100% hit everything.

"No! Scrafty Dodge it immediately!" Jisung commanded, but when his Scrafty tried avoiding the attack he got hit regardless due to Chenle's amazing strategy. The Scrafty flew back after getting hit and dust quickly surrounds the area. When the dust disappeared, it showed that Jisung's pokemon fainted, making Chenle the winner.

Chenle heard clapping in front of him after he cheered for himself. "Well congrats, you have what it takes to be a Gym leader." Chenle beamed at the compliment before running and hugging the tall figure in front of him

"Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!"

"Ok, ok, jeez were sweaty, let's go change. The changing rooms are over there," Jisung said, pointing to a door near the Leader side of the arena.

The two then went inside the room to change. Inside the room is filled with lockers and a bench in the middle, almost like a typical locker rooms in gymnasiums, the only main difference is addition of a Pokemon Healing Machine (idk what they're actually called), A PC for storing pokemon, and a box which Chenle didn't know the use of.

He wanted to ask Jisung what the boxed contains. When he turned to ask about the box, he saw Jisung stripping of his uniform shirt, exposing his toned torso, defined broad shoulders, and smooth skin. Chenle's cheeks turned red, then seeing that jisung noticed him staring, he smirked making the poor soft boy to blush harder and covering his face with his hands, right now he looks like a Cherubi.

 Chenle's cheeks turned red, then seeing that jisung noticed him staring, he smirked making the poor soft boy to blush harder and covering his face with his hands, right now he looks like a Cherubi

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(this is a cherubi)

"C'mon don't be shy, you can change, no judgement here"

Chenle removed his hands from his face. "I-I don't have an extra T-shirt, I d-didn't know I should..." He said trying to avoid looking at the half naked boy in front of him.

Jisung chuckled, he is quite amused how much he affects the boy in front of him. "Well, It's not mandatory to have one, but its best to have one 'cuz if League Season starts, you often times fight a lot of trainers and it can be pretty exhausting and sweaty," He explained before wearing a white tee. He then took out an extra white shirt and threw it to Chenle gently. He caught it and nodded greatfully.

Chenle went to remove his own uniform, unaware of how Jisung notice his flat torso with small defined lines, porcelain skin, and cute tummy. It took chenle a minute to notice Jisung staring, "Hey! Don't stare." Jisung snapped out of his dazed state before muttering a small apology before breaking eye contact from Chenle. "So what's in the box?" Chenle finally asked.

Jisung looked over, "Oh that's the box where our potions and items are," He answered back. Chenle nodded before tucking the shirt in his short as it was so big. When Jisung returned his view to Chenle, he saw how cute he is in his shirt.

He was staring so long he didnt hear Chenle say 'thank you'. He snapped out again when Chenle called his name, "Yes?"

"I said thank you..... for-for the shirt," Jisung nodded before the smaller continued, "also for believing in me," Chenle finishes.

Few minutes passed before Chenle checked the clock, "Oh! I need to go, I have um.... something to do, I- uh- I have a contest match today" He explained as he gathered his things. Jisung waved him goodbye and wished him good luck as he saw the smaller leave. He then gathered his own stuff and went back home.


Everyone cheered after his exhibition, he took a bow and returned his pokemon to their balls. He exited the stage and passed someone, that someone gave him chills yet this time its different, its almost familiar.

He turned and saw the other turned towards him too, smirking. His rival, The Shadow Dancer. No one knows whoever is under the mask, all everyone knows is that whoever they are, they're amazing on stage.

Chenle continued staring at the person while they continued their way to the stage.

There is one thing in his mind: 'I will never lose to you again, I will get that ribbon.'


So.... about that locker room scene, dont hate me please, but i added that not only for.... er..... personal reasons, but also to put some tension between chensung so please forgive me. if yall are uncomfortable you can skip that part. And also, thank you for reading the 2nd chapter of this book, please vote and comment (please do, I like reading and replying your comments)

~•~•~•~to be continued~•~•~•~

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