Year four, Chapter 2, Quidditch, tents, and Veelas.

Start from the beginning

"RIDIKKOLUS!" Omina shrieked, her eyes brimming. She fell backwards into Harry's arms before watching her mother's feet start dancing an Irish jig. Everyone laughed as Omina stepped backwards to Ron and Hermione with Harry still holding her. She was now actually crying, before just crying about the boggart and now about her fight with Draco, and the million other things that were happening in her life. But class continued.

After class in the Gryffindor common room, Omina would sit by herself, on a small couch, and Harry would sit beside her in the empty Gryffindor common room. "Hey." He turned to her.

"Hmm?" She hummed looking up from her book.

"The woman, Bellatrix, in the dark arts. She pointed her wand- at me." He said to her bringing back bone-chilling memories. She never really thought about her mother, well she did. Every hour of everyday the thought of her mother would come to her and she would push it away.

"Yeah she did." Omina answered back.

"So you must care about me a whole lot then." Harry replied bluntly. Omina shut her book and turned her body towards him.

"You are probably the most important person in my life, Harry Potter." She smiled softly. "I would take that kind of risk for you any day." She insisted.

"Oh yeah?" Harry smirked and raised an eyebrow.

"Oh it's not that big of a deal!" She replied and turned back to her book. And this friends. Was the moment he had fallen completely under her spell.

With the thought of his best friend forever, he fell asleep with her in his arms, loving every second of it.

Omina woke up and stumbled down to the kitchen in her pajamas, her bed head companion by her side. Before she could say 'expecto patronum' Mrs. Weasley shoved a piece of toast in her mouth, and another in Harry's. The two looked around to find that everyone else was already dressed and at the door. Omina snatched Harry's arm demandingly and ran back up the stairs to get ready.

After sorting out all the details Omina was walking with the rest of the group, Harry on one side of her speaking to Ron, and Ginny, Emma, and Hermione on her other. "How'd things go with Harry?" Hermione teased.

"Oooooo" Emma joined in.

"How did you know?" She asked her.

"I totally didn't ask them as soon as they got back." She said fast. Omina just merely rolled her eyes dismissively, she was about to speak when an arm wrapped around her shoulder.

"D'you ladies mind if I steal this one for a minute?" Harry asked she stared up at his face with a huge grin.

"Absolutely not." Ginny joked, rolling her eyes while she, Emma, and Hermione walk off away from them.

Harry pulled her away from the crowd. "What is it?" She asked with a little smile.

"Well uh-" he stuttered out, trying to think of the reason he wanted her to walk with him, in truth he didn't have one, except that he wanted to be near her 24/7.

"Just tell me what's on your mind, Harry." She said, hoping to get something out of him.

He bit his tongue. There were about a million things on his mind. 'I can't stop thinking about you, I want to hold you again, I want to see you in something of mine, your lips look so pretty, can I kiss you?'

~Serendipty~HJP (MAJOR REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now