Part 3

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Warning: mention of rape

"Do we have confirmation she's gay" Ginny says as we walk to the berry tree.
"There's this vibe at rehearsal" I roll my eyes "she's such a fine line between thespian and lesbian" ginny says.

"How are we getting booze for tomorrow" I ask changing the subject.
" Press, you should try that gas station that let you buy a 30 rack" I say when no one answers.
Press groans and says, " I don't want to too often or he's going to start carding me"
"We need to get stuff" Abby says.
" Jordan you should get some from your mom airline kit" Norah says.
"I don't want to drink nips" " then you should go to the gas station" I tell Press with puppy dog eyes, because honestly I don't wanna drink nips either.
"I like them, makes me feel like ima giant" Jordan says smiling.

"Are you guys going to be one of those boyfriends and girlfriends who share everything in a gross way and remind me that I'm going to die alone" Max says.

I look over at Ginny and Hunter. Hunter's arm is around Ginny. They both look awkward.
"Not that your boyfriend and girlfriend, cause who knows? We could get bombed by North Korea, and none of this would matter." Max says,trying to correct herself but stuttering over everything she says.
I put my heads in my hands.

"I'm going to class" Max says leaving.
After a few seconds I say quietly,"Awkward" then leave.

"What times rehearsal" Riley asks Max in Mr. Gittons class. "3:00" Max says smiling widely.

Riley is about to leave but she stops and grabs Max's hand and says, " Oh my gosh! I love your rings.... wow, your hands are so soft"
Ya, it's my skin" Max replies sheepishly.
Once Riley leaves, I look at her with a dumbfounded look on my face, " 'it's my skin' seriously?" I mock. Ginny chuckles.
"See, total vibe" Max says
I lean towards Ginny and whisper, " I didn't see it it"

"I know Sophomore Sleepover is this weekend" Gitten says drawing our attention to him.

Sophomore Sleepover

We all walk up to the ticket stand.

"M-A-N-G" Norahs mom says, talking about their matching shirts.
"Whats MANG" Max's Mom asks.

"Can you like, not... But I love you and I like, so grateful to be here" Max says correcting herself.

"Where's you shirt, Lola" Georgia asks crossing her arms.
I give her a dumbfounded look. "Are you serious?" I ask.

"Maybe Ellen and I should get matching shirts" Georgia says, bumping Ellen's shoulders.

Ginny pulls her mom aside, leaving us to talk.
Max turns to me and asks mockingly, "What do you mean, 'are you serious'"
I scoff. "Are you serious..I mean come on. It's kinda dumb" my cheeks start to redden.
"Have you always thought that" Norah asks.
"No-well I mean- Stop! I'm feeling cornered!" I exclaim, putting my hands up in defense.
Max honestly looks mad at me.
She turns away from me and drags MANG into the school.
I walk in behind them.

The rest of the night MANG avoided. As they were dancing I sat on the bench outside, thinking.
Why did I say that? Now she's pissed. She's just being dramatic. Or not. God, I hate it when she's mad at me.

After a while Max and Riley come into the hallway and start talking.
I quietly get up and go into some random classroom be used my Abby and Norah and the guys.

"Lola! Nice of you to join us" Norah exclaims. "We are playing truth or dare, care to join" she continues.
"Sure" I say quietly, sitting down.
"Truth or dare?" Brodie asks me.
"Hmmm... Dare!" I say after a while.
"I dare you to switch clothes with Abby" He says. My face drops.

Before I can say anything Abby is already refusing.
" I am NOT taking my brand new Harbours off" Abby says,shaking her head.
"And I'm not changing in front of you guys." I add.
"Don't be a drag you guys" Norah says.
"NO" Abby and I yell at the same time.  
They all go silent.

"Whats going on you guys, are you ok?" Norah asked concerned.

"We're fine we just don't wanna change our clothes, it's just a stupid dare. We are fine." I defend both Abby and I.

"I'm out" Abby says, leaving. I leave after her.
We walk down the hall in silence.

" I'm sorry If that made you uncomfortable" I whisper looking down.
After a few seconds of silence she whispers back, " Its ok."

After a while I find myself laying on the bench by the front door, wondering why am I living in this perfect little town. I could run away. Start a life of crime, then run to Canada and start a business. And I could-
"Penny for your thoughts" Georgia says, breaking me from my thoughts. I sit up, letting her sit down.
"I just don't wanna be here" I say.
"I'm going to be honest with you. This is just an excuse for teenagers to have sex in the classrooms."
"I know, I walked in on 2 already."
I look over at her smiling.
"Yep, it was like he was trying to choke her with his tongue." Georgia says, grimacing at the thought.
I laugh quietly, before telling her that I really didn't need to know that.

"Growing up I went through a lot."
Georgia says out of the blue.
"Ok...why are you telling me this."
I respond.

"Because, I can see the signs." She says cautiously.
I turn to look at her. "What are you trying to say."
"I'm just says that you can talk to me, about anything."
"This is unbelievable. You can't just accuse someone, who by the way, you don't know at all, of being what, abused? Raped?" I say, rising my voice.
"No, I'm just saying tha-"
"No! That's not fair! You don't get to talk like that. You aren't my friend." I say standing up.
As I walk away she says something.
" ' you can push your pain all the way down in your soul and pretend it does not exist, but somehow someway one day its going to push it's way to the surface and demand that you face it' "
I keep walking.

The next morning,with the words Georgia says still echoing in my head, I pull Max back from the group.
"Yes?" She asks annoyed.
"I just wanted to say I'm sorry for what I said. And that your my best friend." I say looking down.
She grabs my hand, which causes butterflies in my stomache. "I'm not mad because of that, I'm because you didn't tell what you thought of it"

"I'm sorry. But you were happy and it made you guys closer in a way. A weird way though" I mutter the last part.
"Let's go get fro yo."
"Its 10 in the morning" I respond
"Exacty" She pulls me to her car, as if it never happened.

What I Want~Maxine BakerWhere stories live. Discover now