story information

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Here is some important information about the story before you begin reading!

-This is obviously a Ginny x fem!oc book, and therefore, there will be a relationship between Ginny and Delilah. And as you should know, Ginny originally ends up with Harry in the books, so I need someone else to ship Harry with. This story probably won't have many readers, but if you are able to, let me know in the comments who!

-Ginny and Delilah's relationship will be a slow burn, friends to lovers. Sexuality is a hard thing to figure out for some people. Also, Ginny and Delilah become friends just like Ron and Harry, and grow closer, going throughout the years not being able to tell what their feelings truly are. So, there's going to be lots of fluff and angst! There won't be any smut, as I'm not comfortable writing that, but maybe in the future (if I'm still writing this).

-There will be no character slander, and homophobia will not be tolerated here. It's 2021, get with the program.

-Deamus will be a thing. I completely shipped Seamus and Dean, and knew they definitely were more than friends. I wish there was much more diversity and representation in the books.

-Harry is bisexual, and I'm pretty sure J.K. Rowling confirmed it. I just wish she would have shown it more in the book. I absolutely love Harry, he's my favorite character and underrated in his own books. I will probably be writing a Harry x oc soon, so get ready for that.

-I don't really have much of a plan or plotline for this book, to be honest. I'm still working on what Delilah's importance will be in the story, and what kind of part she's going to play in the war. I'm kind of just making it up as I write, so bear with me if the plot seems off.

-The main friendship that I'm going to focus on is Ginny, Delilah, Luna, and Neville, or what I'm going to call The Silver Quartet. I absolutely love all of the trios in Harry Potter, but Delilah just fits with those three the best, especially since Ginny and Luna are in her year.

-I love all of the Harry Potter books and movies, but I'd have to say that the first two aren't my favorite, to write or read. I'm still contemplating whether to write Prisoner of Azkaban, but it will set up some of Ginny and Delilah's plotline and relationship. I'm much more excited to write the later books, especially the Order of the Phoenix and Half-Blood Prince!

-If I make any mistakes, or if you have any questions or ideas for me, just leave a comment! I'll reply as quickly as possible! And make sure to leave feedback on my story in the comments and vote! It'll be much appreciated and help motivate me to continue writing.

-I'll try to have some chapters up soon! I'm currently finishing writing and editing both the first and second chapters, and I have so many ideas for the future!

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