BLACK JACKS: Boys China Line

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Jackson Zhang

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Jackson Zhang

Age: 22

Other names/ Nicknames:
JZ, Sky High (jumps really high for no real reason)

Position: Main Dancer and Acrobaticist


Taou and Jackson met after taou had comeback home from highschool. Jackson originally Was a street performer and did it to make extra in the money to support his family when they could use a little extra. He had a partner in that before be met taou and that would be Nia. The two are inseperable even now. Jackson grew up living in a more sheltered calm area of China and does all that he can to help where he can. You will quickly learn that he is one of the most dependable and sweet people you can hope to meet.

 You will quickly learn that he is one of the most dependable and sweet people you can hope to meet

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Seunmin Lieu

Age: 20

Other Names/ Nicknames: Minnie, sunshine

Position: Main Dancer


Seunmin since he has been young has always been what people would call a ball of sunshine. He was always happy dispute not having the best economic standings as a kid. He would always give if he had extra since he didn't like to see others sad. His parents gave him the best life they could but due to an illness he lost one parent and left the other severely disable and very reliant on him. But because of how attentive he is he never minded caring for his sick parent. As a rule Seunmin is quiet and doesn't say alot but if he does you can be assured that it it doing to be positive, uplifting, kind and will make you smile. His smile is just as contagious as his laugh he always knows how to cheer someone up.

 His smile is just as contagious as his laugh he always knows how to cheer someone up

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