Chapter twelve

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Just in the morning, everyone heard about Snape's death. Professors were in shock, knowing that he was killed.

Bellatrix couldn't hold her smile, she was proud of what she did. She remembered his screams, begs for mercy, it was just right for her.

She went in her room, stayed surprised as she saw Hermione sitting on her bed, with her eyes full of tears and messy hair.

"You did it didn't you?!" Hermione screamed. She already knew what she was talking about. Why was she so worried about man who ruined their relationship?

"Yes it was me." Bella answered with cold voice "Do you want tea honey?" she asked like nothing happened. "I don't want tea! Why did you do that?! I know you want revenge but this is too much!!" she screamed. Just as she said that, her face was in her hands, and she started crying.

Bellatrix looked at her girl, crying, just then she realized the effect of what she did. She came closer, tried to hug her.

"I'm sorry Mione.." she whispered in her soft voice. She couldn't watch Hermione crying. A few moments later she stopped crying and hugged Bella back.

"We can't let them know that was you. What are we gonna do?" Hermione whispered. "I'll think of it later honey, untill then we need to take care nobody come looking for some evidences.".

Bella was worried if they find out it was her. She could get fired, or worse, in Azkaban again. Just thought of being in Azkaban, dementors around the castle, made her tremble, it was terrible for her.

Hermione nodded "I should head back in my room, Harry, Ron and Ginny are for sure worried. I don't want them to find out anything about this.".

They nodded and Hermione left. Bellatrix sat in her chair and sighed. She was not afraid if she gets fired, or is she goes in Azkaban. She was afraid of losing Hermione.

Meanwhile, Dumbledore invited Hermione in his office. She was afraid thought, she was never there before. McGonagall helped her get in.

She was shocked that she saw Harry and Ron inside. "What's going on?" she asked. Harry, Ron and Dumbledore looked straight at her. "Is there any problem sir-?" she asked kinda confused. Harry and Ron had sign of apologize in their eyes. She was in shock. Did they-

"Hermione is it true that you and professor Lestrange are-" at that words Hermione stayed frozen. She was sure they tell him about her relationship with Bellatrix. But they wouldn't! Or- would they?

"Very close friends?" Dumbledore finished. She felt better, Harry and Ron didn't tell him.

"Yes sir, it's true.". He nodded slowly. "As you know, professor Snape was killed few yesterday. And, we think-" "You think she did that." Hermione interrupted. Dumbledore sighed "We don't have any proof for now, but is there anything you want to tell us?" he leaned closer to her. "No sir, nothing."

At that moment, Draco ran in "Okay this is sick!" "Draco, please-" Dumbledore tried to calm him "This is crazy!! Someone gets killed and the killer must be ex death eater!! And not just death eater, but my aunt!!".

They all stayed quiet for a while. Draco turned around and left "You all are crazy!". Hermione ran after him "Draco wait!". He didn't listen but keep walking. "Draco stop!" she grabbed his wrist. "What do you want mudblood?!" he yelled at her. She was afraid tho, but didn't let go of his wrist "Please stop. I know you're upset but that's not reason to act like this! You need to calm down.".

He pulled his hand away "First, don't fucking touch me! Second, you know nothing!" he yelled more. Her eyes widened "I-I'm just trying to help.." she walked away. "Wait. Fine. That's thanks I guess." "You're welcome". He walked to her.

As he came close, they made eye contact. They stood close to each other. Hermione couldn't help but blushed. He started coming closer, untill her back weren't pressed against wall "D-Draco-".

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