The Avatar Returns

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I jump as a loud pop echoes through the air, a flare rockets into the air. I've been wandering the South Pole for a few days now. The flare seems to have come from the old warship I camped in last night. Someone has triggered it. I wonder who? Are there Fire Nation soldiers here?

Suddenly worried for the safety of the small village that resides here, I make my way back towards the ship. If those people are in danger, I can't sit and do nothing about it.

I shiver slightly, the snow I kick up while walking hitting against my ankles and melting into my shoes. With an exhale, a small spurt of flame exits my nose and mouth. Instantly, warmth spreads through my body. This is probably one of the few times being a firebender has been helpful to me. Thank the Spirits, Iroh taught me how to use my firebreath.

I hate having to hide here. Yet this was the only place I could go to escape the Earth Kingdom. I wasn't exactly a friend to the authorities there. I stole food for myself but also for families and children in poverty in the less fortunate villages. Bully Fire Nation soldiers, even Earth Kingdom soldiers, are tiny tyrants over some villages. I couldn't just let them rule with an iron fist over those innocent people. My dubious reputation is worth those people's freedom.

Unfortunately, I got caught stealing from a swordsmith in Ba Sing Se a month ago. It was not the smartest thing to do, but I succeeded nonetheless. I'll have to hide my face if I ever return there anytime soon.

I now have a pair of hooked broadswords that I am in love with. My old master, Piandao, would be impressed by the workmanship. Maybe a little disappointed by how I acquired them, but their quality is worth it.

"-yeah, I liked her too," I heard a young voice say. A strange, low growling noise following the words.

What the-? I thought the only people around were the Water Tribe people in the village. And what in all the nations was that growling sound? Because it sure isn't human. Neither is it a sound I have ever encountered before.

Poking my head around a snowbank, I'm met with the sight of a huge, furry... thing. It looks like a... like a bison. I saw artwork of it in the Air Temple I camped in a month ago. A young boy perched in the ice above it. Well, he doesn't look threatening. No visible weapons, and the furry monster thing seems pretty laid back.

"Hey, kid, what are you doing up there?" I tipped my head, almost like a cat would. The kid jumps, evidently startled, before he grins at me. I subconsciously reached up to make sure my eyepatch was covering my gold eye securely.

Spirits, this kid is barely in his double digits. And what is he wearing? Orange and yellow tunic and leather wrap shoes. He looks like those skeletons I found in the vacant Air Temple. But alive. Is this kid an airbender?

"Hi! I'm Aang," he greets cheerfully. "What's your name?"

"Uh... People call me Hei Jian," I answer. Not my actual name. It's the name given to me by the people I helped. It means 'black sword'. I prefer it to my real name in all honesty. My real name kicks up too much drama when most people hear it nowadays.

As I'm talking, the fluffy bison beast walks over to me and sniffs me. After a moment he licks my face leaving half face covered in saliva.

How sweet. I always did love animals. Also a little gross.

"Nice to meet you, Hei Jian," Aang chuckles at the bison's behaviour. The beast lies down next to me and nudges my hand for pets. I oblige the furry monster's wishes. He's actually quite cute.

"And that's Appa, my flying bison. He seems to like you," Aang introduces his pet.

"Flying bison?" I ask, emphasizing the first word.

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