the mystery of the walking clock

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 Once upon a time these two kids named henry and ray ended up having to go to this weird place that they had almost thought that it  was almost a ghost town and they had gone in any way even though they were being scared for a strate 5 or  10 minutes  and they had realized that they were at the wrong store but then they had both turned around and had seen that they store that they had walked in to was called the mystery of the walking clock and then they both had looked at each other and  they both had said "what do they mean by the walking clock" and then all they had heard for a strate 5 minutes was Tick tock, Tick tock, Tick tock, Tick tock, Tick tock, Tick tock that's all  they had heard  for those minutes and then as the clock was going Tick tock it kept on getting closer and closer then advenchuly the nose was right there right next to them so they had turned around and had seen that there was something right next to them  so they both had asked them self what is that and why is it near us  and  then they had read the note on the clock head and it had said that if you want to turn me off then you have to take the note a pull it off.


and just 'be happy' by dixie D'Amelio

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