Chapter 14, Unexpected Plan B Part 2.

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"Oh your ain't the delivery guy."

"I know?"

"Whatever come in."

"Smells nice, what your cooking?"


"Is that our food?"

"Yup, just needs a few minutes."

"Okay, your apartment is nice."


"I kinda expected to be not this nice because you know, it's like your few months being alone right?"


"And I have like a few friends like you but where they are living looks like crap, which I don't mind but your looks like you spend a lot of time."

"Yeah... I kinda overdid mine a bit."

"Oh okay..."

"Want water?"

"Uh yeah..."



"Your welcome."

"So, how is your parent situation gonna work out?"

"Well... dad is in prison, and mom is safe and she's got tons of money off of my dad so basically I'm now kinda living with my mom."

"Oh... how much did your mom get?"

"Like almost all of my dads money, $500,000."

"oh.... wow... i kinda expected way less..."

"You had the same reaction as my mom did."

"Wow... so are y'all gonna split it up or gonna save it?"

"Maybe both, not split the whole thing but like maybe, I get 25,000 and she gets 25,000 and then save the rest for emergency or just for saving."

"Oh wow, I think that's a good idea."

"Yeah... and I brought you something."

"What is it?"

"Here, she let me grabbed a few for you."

"What!? The money!!?"

"Y-yeah! I thought you would need it..."

Oh shit... I- I can't kill him! He literally gave me how many money, just for me!!

"H-how much!!?"

"Like I think $20,500."


"What! I-I don't know what to s-say!!??"

Now I don't know if I wanna poison him now!!

Your last Memory/Karlnap/Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora