Sonnets About Us (Ophelia)

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Here's a teaser of a story of mine that was published under Summit Books (my publisher) back in late 2019. The title is Sonnets About Us. It's a three-part book with three female characters inspired by Shakespeare's works. 

I wrote Ophelia's part. Imagine Hamlet. Imagine writing from Ophelia's point of view. That was how the story came about. It got this side that I never thought I would be able to write/deliver, and I was quite proud of how it turned out. 

If you find the excerpt interesting, you can download the book. It's available internationally. I'll leave the links below.



When she met a charming boy by the beach, Juliet thought of him almost constantly

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When she met a charming boy by the beach, Juliet thought of him almost constantly. But a blossoming love is out of reach. If she can't love herself wholeheartedly.

Taming such a tempered catch is a feat. That those who are faint at heart can't succeed. But when a boy made summer bittersweet Fiery Katarina had to concede.

Lost in her lover's eyes and lullabies, Ophelia dreams to understand the pain. That summer her lover left her goodbyes And broken promises she can't contain.

All the world's a stage, and they defied norms When they took a chance on all of love's forms.



She takes a shot in the dark,

For whatever lingers there, she gives her heart,

She'll walk through that cavern until she sees the light,

Where the heaviness in heart will finally decide,

To fall apart, breaking into pieces,

Until she cannot recognize it anymore,

The heart that longs for him, loves him,

Breaking into pieces, until she can no longer recall,

All the reasons why she feels this way,

Or the warmth of his embrace,

Breaking into pieces, until she finally sees,

That this shattered heart needs its final cry,

Learn that every hello will someday have its goodbye,

Breaking into pieces until she learns to let go,

Of all the things that cannot happen,

author's noteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora