~all his~

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(Based in season four so this may contain spoilers im not sure, also VERY MATURE CONTENT)

(NSFW 18+)

"everything depends on me"

Eren's emerald green eyes stared right at you as both of you sat on the edge of his bed, intensity filling the room. You can feel the overwhelming amount of stress and frustration fuming off of him like steam as he finally shakes his head and looks around.

"I mean, really, how am i supposed to do it? its no longer about peace or freedom. Just..kill my enemies..anyone who gets in the way."

you snap your head to look at him with a small gasp as you quickly shake your head, almost feeling a spark of rage at his absurd statement.

"Eren, how could you say that. I know we are only friends..But i have always been by your side and this..this is not how to solve things, killing everyone who gets in the way? i mean really?"

He looks at you as a wave of sadness pools over him, looking straight at your eyes with a small sigh as you finally bring yourself to look him in the eye, his eyes almost blank, staring right through them, not even the brightness of his green eyes could fool you with what is really behind them. Rage. He leans closer as he finally speaks up.

"will you leave my side? will you hate me?"

He looks at you, curiosity and sadness filling his mind before all of it turns into rage again, he groans and stands up-balling his fists up as he suddenly starts pacing around the room slowly.

"you know what, it doesn't matter, nothing does anymore. It doesnt matter what i say or do..Nothing will ever change. Nothing."

You look up at him, not knowing what to say or do, you finally take a deep breath before standing up aswell and softly grabbing his wrist to get his attention, before being able to say anything, he whips his head to look at you before grabbing your wrist with his free hand and pinning you against the wall roughly.

"Eren what the hell?!"

You look up at him with slight fury in your eyes, but of course you weren't mad, just confused as you try to slightly restrain against his harsh grip but he doesn't let you go. He stares straight into your eyes, not saying a word at first before tightening his grip on you, finally speaking.

"Let me do one thing before i leave..before i leave to kill hundreds of lives for our benefit..i know its horrible, but its the only way dont you see? We will never win with peace. So, let me.."

your eyes soften slightly as you look at him slightly confused, not sure what to think by his words as you let out a small sigh, looking around the room before back at him.

"Eren what do you mean? Let you do what?"

you can tell that Eren is not being himself, he's not normally this harsh with you, no matter what, it didn't matter if he had some sort of attitude or numbness to everyone else, he never hurt you. He groans due to frustration before leaning closer to whisper into your ear, his hot breath hitting your neck ever so slightly, causing the hair on the back of your neck to stand.

"I need you."

You widen your eyes slightly as you blush deeply, not knowing what to think as his grip onto you slightly softens, he doesn't dare leave your ear as he starts to gently place kisses right under it, waiting for you to reply with any type of consent. You lose the ability to speak as you let go of his wrists, giving in to him as you look around the room, still unsure about what to do with the whole situation..Eren was a very attractive man, you couldn't deny that, but you just weren't expecting this, especially with such a stressful time.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 12, 2022 ⏰

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𝑒𝓇𝑒𝓃 𝒿𝒶𝑒𝑔𝑒𝓇 (18+ one shot)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang