City slowly faded into countryside where fields lay in every direction. Small houses and cottages stood out to and fro, and no other cars were in sight. The car maneuvered from pavement onto a dirt road that caused us to bounce and jolt every few seconds. The whirring of the engine mixed with the rocks and debris colliding with the metal melted into our silent little road trip, and the old man broke into a small burst of breathless laughter.

"Sorry, darlin'! Bet this is not quite what you imagined, eh?"

I returned with my own awkward giggle. "It's alright, mister..." I paused as I gripped the door handle for security. "I'm not quite sure I caught your name..."

"Most around refer to me as Uncle Dalfund. Call me whatever makes you comfortable!"

I responded with a slight nod, though he could not see me do so. Quicker than I had presumed, the car came to a rolling stop in the driveway of a tiny brick building that at the end of a long dirt driveway. It was decorated with colorful flowers of all sorts, petals and shades of which I had yet to ever see. Butterflies danced along both the foliage as well as a vine-covered sign that read, 'Adora Small Bakery and Cafe.' Dalfund hobbled out of the front seat, holding the arch of his back for support, and opened my door. I stepped out, squinting in the bright sunlight as a gust of wind swept by. The city traffic was not too far away and yet out here there was only silence. That, and birds. The cluck of chickens, perhaps? I had yet to meet a chicken, but the distant cawing was the like of how I imagined they would sound.

"Come along, dear Luna. There is much awaiting you inside."

I tossed my bag over my shoulder and followed Dalfund up the pathway. Upon entering through the doorway I was hit with something that stirred all of my senses. The familiar scents of coffee and cream, cookies and warm vanilla; it all swirled about me in a delightful mix of aromas. I inhaled deeply and exhaled contently. It was heavenly. Before me were several tables covered in white lace cloths, all of which were empty. The only other person - or rather, should I say being - was a tall man standing in front of the counter, rubbing a dessert display with a clean cloth. He seemed to be covered in grey fur from head to toe, and the pointy ears that protruded from his head twitched as we entered. A thick grey tail swished behind his back, and as he turned, my eyes met a pair of curious amber jewels.

"Welcome to our little cafe!" Dalfund beamed. "You will be living here just as you work. It is a small lot, so do try not to get lost." I assumed he was joking - that or some details were flying over my head. "Before I show you around, I do want you to get acquainted with my full time employee, mister Kove. He may look fearsome, though he's naught but a pup!"

Kove's muzzle twitched, obviously concealing what he truly wanted to say, and he muttered a small, "Sup," in my direction before turning back towards the display. Nevertheless, I smiled.

"Greetings, Kove!" I blurted excitedly. "I'm Luna. Looking forward to working with you!"

After waiting several seconds with a smile for no reply, I turned to Dalfund, who sighed. "This way."

We passed Kove, who refused to meet my eyes, and the old man led me past the counters and to a narrow staircase going up. At the top of the stairs was a door that opened into a small living space where everything sat upon a round, sheep-like rug. It was set with two pastel yellow couches, old and faded with time, and a tiny fireplace that wouldn't dare be lit anytime soon in the present summer heat. He gestured me to follow into a small hallway where four doors lay ahead of me, all closed. He stopped as we approached the furthest door, and he offered me an apologetic sort of smile.

"I fear that the room I have to offer you is less than you are used to... but I hope it is to your liking." He slowly turned the knob and pushed the door open, moving aside to let me in.

I was met with a musty sort of smell, though it was not overwhelming. Before me sat a small single bed dressed with faint blue coverings adjacent to a sheer-coated window. A dresser sat along the farthest wall and a small bouquet curved neatly over the edge of a glass vase. That was all the room offered me, and yet it was enough to make me smile.

"Thank you, uncle," I replied, stepping inside. "It's cozy!"

"Well," He returned the smile, genuine this time. "I will leave you to settle in!" He reached for the doorknob and paused as he gripped it. "Feel free to explore the upstairs, and I will show you the rest of the property tomorrow. For now, I have dinner to prepare. I will send Kove for you when it is ready."

I nodded. "Does Kove live here too?"

"He does not; I only like to make sure he is fed before he heads back into the city every evening. I have lived alone for many years now and look forward to getting to know you! For now, please make yourself at home."

I nodded once more, and he closed the door.

Tossing my backpack onto the bed only caused a tiny cloud of dust to rise from the sheets. It became apparent very quickly that the room had been vacated for quite some time.  I inhaled deeply and sighed. It was strange that I was the only human to inhabit the house. I had heard from several others were sent into group work settings. Humans were thought to be social, pack creatures, and so it was only logical that they were easier to study in pairs or trios. However, Dalfund had just revealed that he had been alone for a while.. Had I perhaps been his first Awakened worker? I had many questions.

Reaching hurriedly into my bag, I began to pull out my belongings. I had not so many articles of clothing as I did trinkets and small treasures. A certain small box grabbed my attention first, and I quickly opened it. Counting as I flipped through them, I relaxed as I realized all the envelopes were accounted for. As if they were to just get up and walk away? As impossible as that was, I still needed to confirm that they were with me. My prized possessions. My memories, or so I was told. I could not understand what was written inside each one, and yet I could not bear to part with any of them.

I walked to the window and peered out, squinting once more as the sun hit my face. It had been the longest day that I could recall, and yet the sun hadn't even begun to set. I had been going since the dark of the morning, after all. I was on my second train before the sun had even risen. A pang of guilt twisted in my chest as I tossed the day's events through my head. I had not gotten a chance to say goodbye to Meritha, and would most likely never see her again; unless I would one day return to the Plaza. The Plaza was all that I knew. Meritha was the only person that I knew. She worked there, I knew, and planned to stay long term. But had an Awakened ever returned to the Plaza after being sent to their homes?

I shook my head, physically scolding myself. No. There was no use on speculating about what could be when I wasn't yet aware of what already was to be. For now, I would have to focus on what was in front of me.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 06, 2021 ⏰

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