New Girl

14 0 0

Fall, 1999

"Oi, Josuke, what do you think of the new girl?" Okuyasu asked as he, Josuke, and Koichi walked out of algebra and down the crowded hall to their next classes.

"Which one? You need to be more specific." Josuke lazily raised an eyebrow at his friend.

"'Ya know, the American." He dropped his voice and leaned in towards his friend.

"She's an odd one," Koichi commented as politely as he could. "I've seen her by herself a lot, most of the time with a book. She doesn't seem to have too many friends... I feel kinda sorry for her—coming to Japan and leaving everyone behind..."

"You're such a sap, Koichi." Okuyasu teased. "I think she's cute and playing hard-to-get. I have P.E. with her but she doesn't seem to pay attention, even when I give her a gun show." His voice ending with a defeated note.

"She seems nice enough." Josuke shrugged. "I at least know she's smart—she's only been here for a few months, but her Japanese is flawless and is a whiz in chemistry."

"You have chem together?" Okuyasu exclaimed.


"So? So you have an actual class with the girl—in the same room! If you and an American girl got together, shoo..." Okuyasu clicked his tongue and shook his head as a smugly sly smile crept across his face. "Americans are known party animals. You know she can show someone a good time."

"Okuyasu!" Koichi scolded. "You don't know if she's like that."

"Neither do you." He stuck his lip out as they approached the science lab.

"See 'ya guys later." Josuke waved as he broke from the group and went into the classroom.

"Good luck, Josuke." Okuyasu winked as he and Koichi kept going down the hall.

'Why does he think I'm interested in her? He's the one who's so enamored.' He thought with a salty huff.

'Because you are.' His Stand, Crazy Diamond, said coolly in his mind.

'No I'm not!' He protested as he slumped into his seat, his ears getting hot.

'Whatever you say.' Crazy Diamond sighed. 'We both know the truth.' A tinge of amusement in his voice.

The new American girl is Ellie Rivers. She moved from the States over the summer with her family to follow a job opportunity of her father's. She did seem the quiet and reserved type, but not necessarily the type to be stepped on. She was an attractive girl, but she wasn't like any of the others at school—no real friends or cliques, stoic and independent in her own way, and not so full of herself to get caught up in the pettiness that plagued her classmates. All of that was based off of Josuke's observations and her introduction at the beginning of the school year. It wasn't exactly enough to make a fair judgement of who she is, but enough to have an idea of who she might be.

Josuke let out an annoyed sigh and rest his cheek in his hand as the room began to fill with students—the usual girls giggled and waved from across the room, he didn't really feel like talking to them, so he only responded with a quick half-smile before going back to brooding on his Stand's snide comments. He always seemed to push his buttons by simply saying the truth. It wasn't that Josuke had a habit of lying to himself, he just didn't want to admit that Crazy Diamond was right. He agreed with Okuyasu that Ellie was cute, and it didn't have anything to do with where she came from. She had cute little mannerisms and fidgets that she would do when she was she was bored or concentrating—how she fingered her curly hair, twirled her pencil while thinking, the look on her face when she gazed out the window... They had to be subconscious or it'd be obvious and gaudy if she were trying.

JJBA One-Shots (Josuke x OC) **(MY AU, PLEASE SEE DESCRIPTION)**Where stories live. Discover now