10. Apologies to Make

Start from the beginning


Lottie finished taking pics of the drivers with their crews after the race. She was packing her stuff up when Lance came up to her.

"Hey, Lottie! Are you coming to the club?"

"Yeah, wouldn't miss it Lance."

"See you there." He headed off. Lottie picked her bags up and headed back to the shuttle bus stop. It wasn't a long ride and she was soon letting herself into her room.

She quickly jumped in the shower, washing her hair. She dried herself, blow dried her hair and chose her outfit. She decided on a baby blue mini dress with silver, glittery, heeled sandals. She put on her make up and went next door to knock for Sophie and Joel.

"Woo, look at you girl," said Sophie. "A certain German's eyes are going to pop out of his head when he gets a look at you."
"He can look, he ain't touching,"Lottie laughed.


Half an hour later they were sat around a table in the club and starting on their second drink. Lottie didn't see Seb arrive. He stood at the bar watching her. He saw an opportunity arise when she stood and made her way over to the toilets.

He waited outside for her to come out. As she went to pass him he stepped out in front of her. He cast his eyes over her. Damn, she looked so beautiful tonight.

"Well, hello Liebling. Having fun? You look gorgeous by the way."

"I was until I saw you," she spat.

"Come on Lottie. Can't we call a truce for tonight?"

"A truce?"

"I'm not going to deny that I'm finding you pretty near irresistible in that dress. You know you aren't indifferent to me physically. How about a little celebration of our own? Then tomorrow we forget all about it. What happens in Imola stays in Imola. "

Lottie was speechless. The audacity of the man.
"Sebastian. Three words. Go. Fuck. Yourself." She stormed off.

Seb watched as she joined her friends on the dancefloor. He hadn't been trying to wind her up. He had been deadly serious. He wanted her so bloody much. He was torn between hate and lust. Not a nice feeling to have.

He noticed as several other drivers arrived. He saw Max, Charles, Pierre, Lance and Daniel. They all piled onto the dance floor. Seb tore his eyes off of her. He needed a drink or two.


Lottie felt herself begin to sweat beneath the disco lights. She felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around ready for battle expecting it to be HIM but to her surprise came face to face with Australian driver Daniel Ricciardo.

"Hiya," he said. Well, she thought that's what he said. She couldn't actually hear him over the loud music. She smiled at him and he moved closer.
Maybe a little flirting was in order to show Sebastian she didn't give a shit about him.


Seb sat at the bar, nursing his glass of whiskey. He glared at it as if it was the root of all his problems. But it wasn't. SHE was! He didn't want to want her. She was the last person on this earth that he would have chose to be obsessed with. He couldn't get the image out of his head. Him and her. Naked . Together. Why her? All the women who regularly threw themselves at him. Why did he crave the one he couldn't have?

He pictured her in his mind. That sexy come to bed smile. Her sharp tongue. Boy could he think of uses for that tongue. Fuck, that woman was his weak point. His Achilles heel. She knew exactly what she did to him. She loved seeing him squirm. And she was up there practically throwing herself at Ricciardo.

He looked over and saw a blonde woman sat at the end of the bar. Maybe it was time to have some raw, casual sex and drive that she devil out of his head for good. He downed the rest of his drink and headed over to the blonde.


Lottie headed back to the table. Daniel followed after her.

"So Lottie, I think you're absolutely gorgeous."

"Thank you," she replied. "You're not too shabby yourself."

He put his arm around her waist and pulled her towards him. She was about to pull away when she saw Sebastian over his shoulder. He was leaving, his arm slung around some skinny blonde. She decided then to throw caution to the wind. Why not have a bit of fun? She tilted her head up and smiled at Daniel. He leant down and kissed her. She kissed him back. He was a good kisser. She enjoyed it. She looked up at Daniel, both wearing stupid grins on their faces.

"How about we get out of here?" she said.

After the Hate Has Gone (Sebastian Vettel)Where stories live. Discover now