Narcissa's Story

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·By: Phoebe

They say 'the eyes are the windows to the soul.' This was the one saying that Narcissa knew to be true. Eye contact was something she held dear. If you want to find someone, their truth, their lies, and their secrets, look in their eyes.

Few people bothered to look at Narcissa. Her job was just to stand there being beautiful and holding her tongue. As far as her family was concerned she was about as useful as a china ornament. Everyone noticed her stood quietly at the side, but nobody bothered even to look her in the eyes. Except...

The first time Lucius and Narcissa were formally introduced she was 16, and he was extremely handsome. They'd seen each other around school of course, but never spoken. Her parents would have seen that as inappropriate. Her parents saw almost everything as inappropriate.

But they were surprisingly eager for her to meet Lucius properly, most likely because of his wealth and blood status. A marriage into the Malfoy family would be exactly what the Blacks needed, especially after the disappointment of cousin Andromeda.

So it came about that Lucius and Narcissa were allowed to meet properly at a party thrown by the Lestranges in Narcissa's 6th year. He took her hand and kissed it gently, with a surprising grace and all the Malfoy family charm. And then he did something that shocked Narcissa, something that unnerved and flattered her all at once.

He looked her in the eyes.

He made the effort to look at her, to know her truth and to see her soul. It meant she was important to him. It meant she mattered, something that society told her wasn't true.

Some people said the Blacks never married for love, but that was untrue. Even if you didn't count the traitor Andromeda, Narcissa was head-over-heels for Lucius. He was kind, ambitious, faithful, and most importantly, he was honest to Narcissa. He never overlooked or underestimated her like everyone else in her life. The best part was, her parents 100% approved. She couldn't believe her luck.

As soon as they were out of school the pair were married, and for a while everything was good.

But all good things must come to an end. Soon, news of a powerful dark wizard spread across the country. His name was Lord Voldemort. He was looking for followers, talented, ambitious purebloods with a drive to succeed and a hatred for muggles and muggleborns. Lucius fit that category perfectly. Everyone in their social circle knew of his ambitions, and everyone supported him wholeheartedly. Narcissa caught him leaving the house in the dead of night and she knew where he was going. 'Lucius,' she said, looking at him with a piercing gaze. 'Don't go. Please. I have never asked you to do anything but I am begging you now – don't go.'

'I have to,' he said, avoiding her stare. That hurt Narcissa like a knife to her chest, making it so difficult to breathe. He wouldn't even look her in the eyes.

'You know this isn't a choice my daffodil. I have to make them all proud. I have to defend my honour.'

'I thought you were different,' she said, feeling more helpless by the second. 'I thought you would stay.'

'Narcissa, look at me,' he answered, his voice kind and gentle like it was when they fell in love. She looked in his eyes, and they looked innocent and honest. If only she knew they would never look that way again. 'I will always come back for you. I will come back for you if it takes me a thousand years, and I will keep coming back forever. I do what I do to keep you safe, because if you're gone then there is no point to anything at all. I just ask that you wait for me and that you stay faithful. You are so wonderful and I know you're so much better than me. I'm doing my best to be a good husband for you and I'm joining Lord Voldemort to make sure you never come to harm. So this is my question. Will you wait for me?'

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