Only Her

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Only her.
I'm sorry that I constantly want to taik to you, im sorry that I get kind of worried when you take a while to respond, I'm sorry that I overthink things, I'm sorry if I say things that annoy you, I'm sorry if I come off clingy but honestly it's because I've never felt like this because of and for another person.we have love. Teenage love but love.

Teenage love as stupid as it sounds, I think is the purest form of love, you're not with them because you need something,you don't want there money, they won't get you a job, but instead you enjoy there company, you love spending time together and learning about each other, love isn't an object it's a feeling and when I'm with you I feel that exactly.

Because as long as the sun shines, the moon glows, I will always find you perfect.Idc about the "imperfections" you think you have. They are nothing but mere thoughts and lies to me because I truly see how special you are. I also hate when you doubt yourself. You are so much more than you think and I hope I'm here to help you realise that.
I Love you stink

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