Roleplay with Nehalennia and Akila. Pt. 1

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I call my character Nehalennia Hally for short

And here's a little background on Nehalennia before the chapter starts.

Ok some background on Hally.


Sexuality: panromantic, Demi-sexual.

Pronouns: she/they

Loves: monster energy, if she's not asleep she's drinking monster and playing video games with Ben. Eyeless Jack. She loves to read, write, and draw. She also likes to play almost any video game.

Hates: bugs, swimming in the ocean, swimming in lakes alone, Jeff's attitude, being alone in general.

Other fun facts: she has multiple longboards, one of them has a remote control so she doesn't have to push off with her foot she can just drive it while she stands on it. All of her longboards have light up wheels and the board glows in the dark. All. Of. Them. And she has a crush on E.J. She has really bad thassolophobia, being a pasta she's even afraid of windows and doors, like sliding glass doors. She has terrible paranoia that leads to violent outbursts.

*Hally chillin in her room monster and book in hand*

Akila: *walking through the woods and finds a clearing to sit in*

*Hally gets up and leaves her room to harass Ben into playing mario kart with her*

Akila: *as the wind blows gently through her hair she hums in satisfaction while she closes her eyes*

Hally: BEN!!! *Slams open his door and scares him* PLAY MARIO KART WITH MEEEEEE

Ben: Do you gotta be so loud?

Hally: Yes loser, I do. *plops down in bean bag and grabs a controller* let's do this.

Akila: *lies down and takes a deep breath* this is nice

Hally: *senses Aki's nice relaxation and teleports to her laying down next to her* hmmm nice weather.

Akila: yes, very nice weather *smiles ever so slightly*

Hally: *boops Aki's nose* I love your little half smiles. *grins widely showing sharp canine teeth*

Akila: *opens her eyes and slightly blushes* you're a dork *rolls her eyes and boops her nose back*

Hally: Hehehehe this is why you're my bestie Aki. We can just chill with no interruptions.

Akila: *smiles* very true my friend, very true *starts quietly humming to Come Little Children*

Hally: *closes eyes and listens to Akila*

Akila *starts to quietly sing the song*

Hally: *smiles and hums along*

Akila: *smiles and sings louder without realizing it*

Hally: *hums as a sound backup*

Akila: *finishes the song and opens her eyes to see the starry sky* woAH- we've been out here this long?!

Hally: Woah- I guess so. Did we fall asleep or were we just so into the vibe?

Akila: I- I don't even know... Well, we should probably head back. Should we walk or teleport?

Hally: I think we should walk and enjoy the scenery.

Akila: sounds good to me *half smiles and starts walking*

Hally: *Nods and walks beside Akila*

*At the Mansion*

Akila: *opens the door* we're ba-

Sally: *jumps onto Akila* AKI WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! I WAS SO WORRIED!!!

Hally: shhhhh! It's late and we know how Slendie is about it being loud when it's this late.

Sally: s-sorry.. I was just worried *starts tearing up with her lip trembling*

Hally: *hugs Sally* it's ok sweetheart. I know you worry.

Akila: nonononono, it's okay sweetie *rubs her back soothingly*

Akila: let's go to bed hm?

Sally: *nods her head yes*

Akila: you girls wanna sleep in my room tonight??

Hally: *Everyone can tell she's kinda dissociating because she's distant and her eyes are glazed* I'm gonna go find E.J-

Akila: *notices* be safe bugaboo. If you want to join us later you can *smiles at her and brings Sally to her room with her*

Hally: Oki. *she goes down the stairs surprisingly quiet for how fast she's going*

Hally: *knocks on E.J's door and goes in* Hi E.J.

E.J: Oh, Hi Nehalennia. What's up?

Hally: Nothing much, just wanted to say good night. Don't stay up to late, it's not good for you. *She's being quiet and her pupils are now slitted*

E.J: Ok, good night Nehalennia. Sleep good as well.

Hally: *With that she quietly dashes up two flights of stairs to Akila's room and quietly enters with a gift in hand*

Hally: *Sees the two are still awake.* I brought a gift with me.

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