What did I do

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I woke up the next morning and realised that Bella was gone, I wasn't lying on her beautiful, soft chest anymore. She just didn't want to wake me up maybe? Anyways I got into the shower to get rid of the mess she caused me last night. I stood in the shower for about 20 minutes before I decided to get out and get dressed.

I putted on green sweatpants and a black long-sleeved top and made two braids in my hair before I went down for breakfast.

I was all alone in the kitchen making myself a sandwich until Bella walked in.

"Hi" I said but got no answer, she only gave me a quick empty look. She totally ignored me as she was walking by me to pick up something. She was holding a small glass of whiskey in her hand and grabbed a black, small book lying on the counter and then just walked away without saying a single word to me.

I watched her walk away until she was around the corner and the last thing I saw was the end of her black dress flying after her. A feeling of sadness washed over my body. Did I do something wrong last night? I couldn't think of anything I messed up so bad that she would totally ignore me. I kept making myself a sandwich while I drowned in my own thoughts. Does she hate me? Did she regret the thing last night? Will she ever speak to me again? What have I done? Should I try to speak to her? And so on.

I walked back up to my room and sat there for an hour straight thinking and thinking and realised how hurt I've got.

I heard someone knock on my door, "Come in". I was hoping to see Bellatrix at the doorway but it was Narcissa.

"How are you doing darling? Anyways if you are bored you can come with me to Diagon Alley" she said.

I was thinking about it for a moment..."Yes I'd love to"

I grabbed my coat and followed her through the house, we walked past the living room where I saw Bella sitting in front of the fireplace and drinking her whiskey.

"Such a bad mood Bella, what's wrong?" Narcissa asked as she stopped talking to her. Bella refused to look at me except for one second to see my face, I felt how my eyes were filling with tears and how I swallowed hard to not show any emotions. What did I do to you?

"None of your business Narcissa" she said.

Narcissa rolled her eyes and kept walking as I followed her.

We transported with the portkey to Diagonal Alley.

"Here you go darling, go buy anything" she said and gave me a few Galleons. "Oh no I can't take this"

"Ofc daring it's the least thing we can do considering that Draco isn't at home with you"

"You really don't have to, thank you" I said and gave her a smile. Which made her smile too.

"I have to go fix some stuff, go buy yourself anything, see you later"

She said and walked away.

I walked to the new store that was a fashion store, they had all kinds of beautiful clothes. I went in and saw this adorable black short dress. I grabbed it to try it on. And just as I thought it fitted perfectly. It really got my forms stand out and it made me look so perfect. I just knew it was made for me. It was quite expensive though but with all the money I got from Narcissa I could afford it and I also had some money left. I went to the checkout and paid for it.

Later I went to the Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes store. I met Fred and Geroge there.

"Hey! What's up, Strange?!" Fred yelled. "You missed us so bad you decided to come here" George yelles right after. I laughed a little as they walked towards me. "You wanna buy something?" "Anything for mr dracOO maybeee" they joked on each side of me. I loved their energy, they gave me such positive vibes.

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