'' Of course of course.'' Tommy said standing back a bit.

'' Hello my friends.'' Sam said joining the call.

''You have been so unbelievably helpful. You have taught me so much Sam. We drained the ocean.'' I said staring at the creeper. Tommy suddenly disappeared from the vc shouting something about Quackity. We ignored him chatting about the ocean base we built and about the many farms it needed to be filled with.

''Tommy take this.'' Sam said giving him a potion when he came back to the vc after a minute or two.

'' Oh drugs POG!'' Tommy yelled and a giggle escaped my mouth.

We turned around thanking them all for coming to see us and Puffy threw a few golden apples to Tommy. We continued to walk to the community house. ''And I'll see you when I get home,'' Tommy added surprisingly calm and corrected himself a few seconds later ''when we get home.''

''Yeah when we get home. This is where-When you get home you sacrifice me.'' I said laughing.

'' Poor JackManifold is stood at the very-'' he started laughing and I yelled out '' Yes Jack Manifold!''

Before we got to speak to him Eret came up to the prime path. He joined our vc unexpectedly and we started chatting about how he betrayed us and then came back. The last thing Tommy told him was that he was the real king at what the chat started spamming 'King!'.

We walked past them walking through the community house and set off for our long journey. I smiled looking back one last time looking at the face of my best friend seconds later. Whatever may be ahead of us at this meeting at least we are going together. I stepped just a bit forward indicating for Tommy to follow along. He smiled at me then looked up at the sun.

I went on to comment that neither Fundy or (U/N) came to say goodbye. It kind of bothered me as (U/N) had been helping us all this time. After a few seconds, Tommy started having mic difficulties really the worst time for this.


((Y/N) pov)

I was sat at Niki's old bakery head on the table relaxing. She had asked me to meet her here, for whatever reason, I wasn't too happy skipping out on saying goodbye to the younger boys going to confront Dream. I had said a little goodbye to them beforehand just in case so it wasn't too bad. I'd made sure they'd have enough stuff to survive this. I didn't like only sending the two of them as much as it was their personal problem and their little war. This is Dream we are talking about.

Niki finally entered the bakery taking a bit to join the voice channel also. I let out a small hum lifting my head up to look at the pink-haired female. She gave me a smile taking a seat in front of me. We sat in silence for a moment before she cleared her throat and spoke.

''It's been a while.'' what a way to start a conversation.

''It has, now why am I here exactly. I should be sending Tom and Tubs off-'' I said slightly irritated.

''I'm here on Techno blades behalf.'' she'd cut me off keeping a calm demeanour even through my slight rudeness. My brow quirked up in surprise. What does Techno need?

''I'm just here to pass the message so please stay calm.'' she said her voice getting a bit quiet at the end.

''Of course, I'm sorry what do you need?'' I said kind of ashamed of even raising my voice at her.

''You see Techno sees you've been wronged by the system, by the nations, by Dream. He sees your loss and seeing as you've helped him once he'd like to extend to you an offer hard to resist.'' Niki continued.

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