Chapter 2 - Time and Tide

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To Hannah may you always have readers.

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"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit" I repeat as leap across a gap in the rubble.

The sounds of pursuit behind me and soft whisps of air zipping past me causing me to zig zag, duck and roll at odd times to avoid them.

"Twenty meter warning" I say into the radio we managed to salvage this morning.

"Roger that, i'm ready" replied Tim, barely audible over the static.

As I power slide through a gap in the wall in front of me, it explodes in a million pieces showering me with brick chips and dust. A hand drags me the short distance from where i came to stop to a makeshift hidey hole.

I look up at Tim "Thanks Mate".

"Your welcome, how far were they behind you?" said Tim

"about 50-60 meters I think so should be anytime ....... now" I said as the first of the aliens appeared in the distance.

We both raised our weapons and adjusted them to max settings, "When we see all five, light em up."

Tim nodded and turned to stare at the approaching figures.

The fifth alien moved into view and they slowed to a pace looking for me.

Tim and I opened fire and cut down the first four aliens in a couple of shoots, the fifth however took cover as the last shot I fired sailed through the air where he was just moments ago.

"Aww crap, now we got to flush him out." I cursed.

"Rock, paper scissors." said Tim holding out his fist, smiling.

I smiled and we started to count "one, two, three."

I produced rock, Tim produced paper, "hmmpf, next time we flip for it" I said as I slowly started to edge towards the entrance.

I knelt down by the opening, took a couple of long deep breathes and let them out slowly, closing my eyes.

I counted slowly, silently in my head, "one ... two ... " and on "three" I sprang up and ran in a straight line as fast as I could.

Tiny particles of earth and brick showered around me as I ran, time slowed and I could see the hole opening up in front of me as I reacted and I leaped into the air, feeling like an Olympic long jumper.

I landed awkwardly and lost my footing sending me spinning, at exactly the moment that a bolt of light singes my hair. Twisting and spinning in mid air I crash to the floor kicking up clouds of dust only coming to a sudden stop by hitting a low lying rubble wall, hard.

Opening my eyes and shaking my head trying to clear it, I see Tim standing over me, laughing.

"WHAT THE HELL YOU LAUGHING AT?" I yelling from the pain in my knee and pride.

"You, everytime it's your turn to run you knock your ass out" he struggles to reply laughing hysterically.

"Yeah, yeah laugh it up, At least I don't get slide through cow dung, like some people." I quipped, smiling while remembering his reaction that incident.

I grab Tim's outstretched arm and he hauls me to my feet. I pat myself down feel for anything cut or bruised and dusting myself off a little in the process.

Feeling nothing, we start to walk back towards the five alien bodies.

We moved from one body to the next, searching for anything we could use and collecting weapons. All five weapons were in good order bringing our total cache of weapons to forty seven now. A few silver trinkets are also collected, we have idea what they are or how to activate them but we take them anyway just in case.

"They're starting to get pissed at us." Tim said as we started walking back to the cliff.

"I hadn't noticed." I replied smiling. "It is nice of them to send out five instead of four to find us though, it's nice to feel important."

"Yeah it is nice to have people to play with." Tim was smiling and nodding as we walked.

"We should think about moving though, they're getting closer to the entrance." I said turning serious. It was the third patrol to get within four hundred meters of the cliff.

Tim started smiling as he turned to me and said "We need to spread the love we have for them as wide as possible."

"I think so too." I said running my fingers absent-mindedly across the A One.

"Well, wasn't it Chaucer who said Time and tide wait for no man?"

"No idea. We should try to find a library." I responded, getting a chuckle from Tim.

Tim was right we needed to move, staying in the cliff was becoming infeasible. We needed a plan, we needed to find other survivors. If there were any to find.

We didn't speak until we got back to the cliff. We both knew what we needed to do but, we were surviving here, leaving meant the unknown and possibly contact with other survivors.

I looked over at Tim before we headed into the cave and caught his eye. I just gave him a simple nod, he nodded back and went to start packing. He was right, we needed to get our supplies, other items we've collected and re-locate ourselves, it's just where should we go.

Something to think about that tomorrow, for now we need to stow our gear and get some rest. I have a feeling it's going to be a long trek.

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