"O-Okay." I tucked in bed.

He cuddled me and I felt the butterflies in my stomach go wild. It wouldnt calm down. Tommy was behind me and I can feel his warm breathing against my skin and he has his arms around my waist. I leaned back closer to him, I felt safe around him.

(A/N: Y/N is touch starved!! LMAO)

----------Next day----------

I woke up in Tommy's arms and he has his chin in the top of my head. I feel small in his arms. He realized I woke up.

"Good Morning," Tommy greeted. "How was your sleep?"

"It was great." I replied. He kissed my forehead and I immediately blushed.

Tommy chuckled and I hid my face.

"What time is it?" I asked.

He turned over to look at the clock on the bedside table behind him.

"10 am." He replied.

"Lets stay." I hugged him tighter. "Its still early."

"Alright." Tommy chuckled.

We stayed in bed for a while. I just hugged him while he played with my hair. We were quiet but it wasnt an awkward silence, it was a comfortable silence.

"Tommy," I spoke breaking the silence. "Lets go downstairs now."

"Okay." He replied as he got off of bed.

I sat down while I stretched and runbed my eyes.

"Also, Tommy?"

"Hmm?" He turned to look at me.

"What were you saying about the plan today?"

"Its a surprise, trust me." His face lit up and then winked at me. He chuckled afterwards when I turned red.

"Stop that." I said as I covered the lower part of my face.

"Stop what?" He asked smirking.

I stood up and walked out of my room walking past him.

"Hey, Im kidding!" Tommy said as he ran after me.


"So where are we going?" I asked Tommy.

"You'll see." Tommy replied. "Just trust me alright?"

"Alright." I answered, "I trust you."

I am nervous and excited about what Tommy's surprise is. According to him, my parents allowed us to go outside. We said goodbye to them when we got to downstairs and he pulled me out of the front door.

The nice thing about this is that Tommy put extra effort in his outfit. He did ask me for help since he doesnt have that good of a fashion sense.

(A/N: you can imagine what you want Tommy to wear :])

He held my hand and we walked past houses. Being oblivious of what Tommy has planned or where we are going, I just followed him to where he went. We went through a lot of trees, it was weird but I trusted Tommy.

We arrived at a park with almost no people. It was peaceful and hidden.

"How did you find this?" I asked.

"Sources." He looked at me smiling.

"Tubbo." I sighed.

"Come!" He said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me to a tree on top of a hill.

He sat down and tapped the grass next to him. I sat down on the grass, the grass doesnt feel uncomfortable, it was nicely trimmed and healthy.

"So what are we gonna do here?" I asked.

"Well, Tubbo said that he found this place one time when him and Lani were playing." Tommy answered. "He thought that it was a nice place for us."

"Hmmm." I looked around the scenery, it was beautiful. "This place is beautiful."

"I know." Tommy replied, outting his head on my shoulder. "Like you."

I blushed and tried my best to hide it but Tommy realized and chuckled.

"Come on," Tommy said as he stood up holding out a hand to me. "Lets play."

I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. When I stood up on my feet he went closer to my ear to whisper something. "Youre it."

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