Chapter 1: New life...?

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I opened my eyes and...a familiar ceiling...
I looked around....a black shield...?The insignia of our house...Why is that there....

I quickly got up from the odd...this is...This is just like...!

I swiftly opened the curtains. The mansion of House Robane!! What is going on?... I left home when I was 20, so why am I here now...?

"Are you awake?" Someone asked breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Good morning,Lady Tia." Roxanne cane into the room."Roxanne?!How are...!" I got cut off by Roxanne saying"Oh no,Look at you." She continued."Your hair is a mess."

"You're already ten now," she asked "Were you not able to fall asleep?"

'What?'I turned around to look at the mirror.I gasped "Ten years old?!" 'How did this happen!I got in an accident..' 'Oh,Keith and Father!!'

"Roxanne! What about Father and Keith?!" I asked her. "The Duke and Young Master? They're usually in the training hall at this hour.." "Oh,
Lady Tia!" I ignored her and quickly dashed to the training hall."You're still wearing your pajamas!!" I could hear her calling out to me.

"Good morning,  Lady Tia."a maid greeted me."Who's in such a hurry..Lady Tia?!" A butler asked shocked.

I have to see..!I must know if Father and Keith are safe!

Aah...please! I don't care if this is a dream or reality... I have to hurry to father and brother...

I reached the training hall and saw father and Julian with some knights. "Father!! Keith!!" I called out to them panting.

They both turned around. "Tia?"

Father loved Felix very much and put him before anything.

But in his last moment,Father thought of me more importantly than anything else.

And, Keith stayed by my side even at in
the worst times.

"Papa!! Keith!!" I cried out while hugging them by the waist.

They're alive..!! I'm so glad...!

"Papa...Keith..." I called to them with happy tears streaming down my cheeks.

Father's and Keith's eyes widened in surprise."Papa... Keith.." I sniffed.

Father patted my shoulder not knowing what to do and Keith just hugged me back.


"My, I was so surprised-"Roxanne said while brushing my hair.

"To think the daughter of the Duke,the young lady who is epitome of etiquette,
would run outside in her pajamas in the morning! Nobody would believe it unless they saw it with their own eyes!" She continued brushing my hair and added.

"Did you have a nightmare?" She asked.

A nightmare...Maybe.But it felt so real.

Roxanne continued to serve me even when I got married and left the
Robane Mansion. But now,she looks even younger than the last time I saw her. I thought while looking up at her.

And me too...

'Small hands...' I thought while looking at my hand.

"The Duke seemed a bit startled
as well." She continued. "You were always so quiet, yet you ran into him in tears."

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