The happy memory

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As I said kids nowadays...

Once the bell rang it was straight to class. Ide usually zone out and think of that last moment of my memory's before I became well...myself if you catch my drift.

One perspective

Like I said i would zone out...go to my own world we're it was my own world my own decisions!
My last best memory before I

I remember that day like it was the back of my hand,it was a sunny day reaching the best! Reaching a whopping 70°C be were on the beach in swim suits and bikinis dad being dad in a spido hitting on girls although he was married to,mum and they promised death do part...I felt like puking anyway mum was sunbathing taking in the last bit of sun sipping martinis out of whiskey cups,dont ask.
Were as I was in a stunning yellow bikini in the ocean looking like a stunning model from the movies.
Dad was always yelling "cover up" or "your showing to much",ide just drown it out with my thoughts.
Oh your probably wondering about Anna...her under an sunbathing umbrella afraid of getting a tan and making mum doing the runs to shops and stores for one of the following

-> Food
-> drink
-> or a specific pair of sandals

Ide get woken up by the teacher shouting "ADDISON DETENTION! NO SLEEPING IN CLASS" everyone immediately turned to look at me to which I should "What you lot looking at" that only got me an extra 30mins now I had an 1hour detention as if it wasn't as bad as that it was Friday...the day you had a lot of homework that would most likely last you all weekend. The homework was something like Essays upon essays or just maths upon maths questions.
Anyway,back to collage...

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