We stay like that for some time until she goes out of the bed. "Wait here, I need to talk to father. I will be right back" She says, and I nod. The bed feels colder without my sister here with me, but I suppose it was already cold when she was here anyway. The minutes until she comes back are endless but as soon as she enters I find that I breathe much better. Perhaps it is just the bond that we share or the fact that I'm not alone in pain, but it somehow goes away a little when she's here.

The agony that is inside me because bearable. She goes back into the bed and stays there. "I told father that I would take your kitchen duty tonight. Clearly, you are not up for it. And I know when you're faking, this is not of those cases" She says. I smile a bit. She has always been the one that is perfect in everything while I mostly get into trouble, then do everything that I can to get out of trouble. She is right about one thing; this is not one of the cases that I'm faking.

I don't know I would do without her. We are Werewolves, and we do have Mates, still I feel like Katherine is also a part of me, the bond that we have is unbreakable. I may be dying, but I will not be the one that destroyed her happiness, it has been so long since I've seen her glowing like she does now. "I can't believe that I am the Mate to the future Alpha. I always thought that it would be you who the Fates would have chosen" She says to me, probably trying to make me feel better.

Not realizing that her words do more harm than they do good. I always knew, and I know that I am the one that is his Mate, yet still I am not the one that he chose. I keep thinking that maybe he did know it was me and only chose her because he had always liked her in the past and simply wanted her more than he did me. Even I know that Katherine is the prettier sister of the two of us. No one can deny that. I have never felt jealous of it, as I know that I'm beautiful in my own way.

Still, when it comes to the male population of the world, it's noticeable how they want her rather than me. "I never thought that I would feel so little when I'd find my Mate. I mean, the stories that everyone say it is always about this incredible feeling that you feel once you know who your Mate is. I suppose it only depends on the person themselves" She says and this sad look comes across her face. She is right, there is that feeling that is unlike any other.

I felt it then moment that I woke up the morning of our birthday, I felt it when I was near him and I felt it when he held my hand and was close to me. I felt the Wolf inside me clawing at me to be in his arms and claim him as my own. Why I did not do that I will forever regret. "I don't even know how I'm going to be a Luna. I understand that the job comes with great responsibility. I would rather eat ice cream and binge-watch something on Netflix rather than attend some boring meetings that are endless" Katherine says, though more to herself than to me.

Her words only further break my heart. I'm not only causing pain to myself but to my sister who never asked for any of this, then again I never asked to be rejected in this way. "But, the Fates declared that I am their Luna and that can mean that I need to be up for the job, I just have to learn" She continues. At this point I realize that she is indeed talking to herself. Still, her voice does make it better to be here in this pain.

I reach for her hand and just hold it. I may not have any voice in me to speak, but I want her to know that I'm here for her. When I look into her eyes I see that she is unsure of herself, but there is another part of her that is so confident that it can take on anything and I know that is the truth. Katherine does not only possess the beauty but also the confidence of the two of us, while I'm just the coward that doesn't even want to tell the truth.

It saddens me to know that I'm like that. I'm the person that often does do crazy things, but only in the shadows of others mostly Nik's. He's always by my side and stood by my side, never have I done anything by myself, at least nothing worthy of anything. Perhaps it is a good thing that he has chosen someone else to lead by his side. I would only get in the way and not be able to. Since we were little I'm the one that gets in his way. He would often ditch his lessons to play with me.

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