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Y/n's POV

I walk downstairs the next morning to my mom making a southern favorite gravy and biscuits.

"Good morning mom."


"Mom where's dad?"

"He's actually at the grocery store at the moment."


"Sweetheart can you get the mail? I forgot to get it yesterday."

I nod and walk outside in the same clothes from yesterday, I open the mailbox and take out a jumble of papers.

Water bill

Letter from Kathryn

Electrical bill

Junk mail

Paper with my name on it

I frown and put the paper at the bottom off the stack and walk back inside, I lay the stack on the counter grabbing the paper and shoving it into my pocket.

"Mom I'm going to go change."

"Okay sweetie."

I run upstairs and change quickly then fish the note from the pocket of my old shorts. I unfold the paper and see it's a poem from Bill, I slightly smile and tears form in my eyes. I retrace the words with my fingers and read the note.

A poem by Bill Densbrough

I made a mistake,

That shouldn't have happened,

It was stupid!

And uncalled for.

I want to apologize for my mistake.

And if you can forgive then forget it will be a blessing.


I smile and pin the poem on my bulletin board my thoughts being interrupted by my mom calling me down for breakfast.

(Time skip)

After breakfast I run to the front door and grab my sneakers quickly tying them tightly in a double knot.

"MOM IM GOING OUT!" I screamed so she could here me over her blasting news and singing along in the kitchen.

"OK, oh my lord-"

I run out of the house before she could finish her rant, I quickly pick up my bike and cycle down a hill and turn right. I drop my bike on the sidewalk and walk up to the house ring the doorbell and his dad answers the door.

"Young lady may I help you?"

"Um, yes sir. Can your son play?"

"Sure one second, he'll meet you outside."

He shuts the door and I sit on the sidewalk playing with a dandelion, when I here foot steps behind me, I spring up he walks towards me.

"I-I-I-I-" he starts being cut off by me hugging him tightly.

"I'm sorry too Bill." I say when I pull away, I see the the crimson Bill standing there smiling.

"I-I th-think you r-read my note."

I nod and hug him again, the hug being interrupted by a roach.

"Well well well look it here," says Henry.

"Wow I didn't know roaches could talk." I snap back, Bill standing next to me speechless.

"I didn't think a girl from sunny Baltimore would stoop so low to a stutter boy." He retaliates back.

"At least he has class and doesn't keep a rats nest tied on his skull!" I yell, Henry visibly mad now steps forward and looks as if he's gonna kill us.

I squeeze Bill's hand then let go I look around to see if there's any way to escape, I see that Henry's alone so I go with a classic. I step forward and lodge my foot right into his balls, I run back to Bill and we grab our bikes then quickly ride off laughing.

564 words

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