I will always love you

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Draco waited for Harry to come back with Hermione from the store. They had gone to the store to get baby stuff for Lily and Scorpius.

Draco received a call from Hermione.

"Hey, Hermione "

"Hey, I wanted to check in, are lils and Scorp sleeping. "

"Um, yea I just put them to sleep"

"Ok, good"

"Hermione, are you ok? You sound like you're crying "

"Draco, Harry and I got into a bad car crash and Harry is in the hospital, please come"

"O-ok, I'm on my way" Draco couldn't bear thinking that he was going to lose the love of his life.

When Draco got to the hospital he went up to the nurse.

"Um, can I know what room Harry Malfoy is in" he asked

"He is in room 804"

"Alright thanks"

When he got to the room where Harry was in he saw Hermione.

"Hermione, are you ok, Is Harry ok" He asked

"I'm ok but I'm not sure about Harry they're not letting me in his room"

A nurse came out of the room.

"I'm sorry, we tried our best, he might not survive, you guys can go see him"

They both entered his room.

"Draco, Hermione how are you?"

"We are both fine Harry" Hermione answered for her and Draco.

"Haz the doctor said you might not survive"

"Dray, even if that happens remember that I will always love you "

Draco started crying as there was a loud beep and Harry wasn't breathing.

Harry is dead. He's dead. The love of his life is dead. He couldn't believe it.

A few days later

Draco and Hermione were looking through Harry's old stuff. When Draco found Harry's diary.

"Look Mione" he showed Hermione the book, "i think this is Harry's old diary"

"Ok, what does it say in it "

4 years later,
I am grateful for more things that I could ever imagine.
But mostly for the person who was by my side for all of it.
Some people are lucky enough to have a best friend,
I'm even luckier,
I got a Draco.

I will always love him no matter what.

"I will always love you too, "
This made me cry, I hope you liked it I will do some smut oneshots soon. Also sorry this was short.

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