"Over there! About a mile from here. There is a series of caves. We can stay there!" Hinata exclaimed.

Her team nodded in agreement. Hinata smiled. She loved her team. No one could ask for a better Sensei than Kurenai or more supportive teammates than Kiba and Shino.

While they were on their way there, they were attacked by a group of hostile ninjas. Clearly, their intention had been to use the storm to their advantage during the fight. The battle that ensued was intense. Eventually, Hinata had been going to defend one of her teammates, when one of the other ninjas ambushed her.

"GENTLE FIST!" She called out and was rather gratified to see it worked.

Unfortunately, so had the trap that ninja had been planning. She had lost her footing on the edge of a cliff. Hinata felt herself fall and she screamed. So did her teammates.

"HINATA!" Kiba, Kurenai, and Shino cried out in horror.

It was too late though. She fell. Hinata wasn't sure what happened after that exactly, but she knew that she lost consciousness. The next thing she remembered was waking up in a cave and she felt strangely warm considering the fact that she could see outside the cave, the blizzard had only gotten worse.

"I wouldn't bother trying to move. You won't get far." She heard a familiar silky voice call out to her.

That's when Hinata noticed that she was tied up. Her hands and even feet were tightly bound together by a purple rope or maybe it was a bizarre belt. Actually, she wasn't quite sure and decided that it didn't matter what Sasuke had used to tie her up. What mattered is that he did.

"Why?" She whispered simply, knowing that he was more than intelligent enough to know what she was really asking.

"You mean why haven't I killed you? I have no reason to. You've never done anything to me and I'll ensure that you won't tell the Leaf that you saw me." Sasuke said simply.

Hinata blinked. She could hear the sincerity in his voice. Sasuke might be an S Class Criminal now, but he wasn't a ruthless killer. Oh he wanted to kill, but his rage was only focused on one person. Itachi.

"Thank you." She mumbled.

She knew that while she was unconscious, he could have killed her with ease. Even now, he still could. Somehow though, she doubted that he was going to change his mind.

"You're different than most of them. Normally, this is the part where people beg for their lives, try to reach me with a heartfelt speech, or threaten me. I guess I should be grateful that at least one Leaf Villager has manners." He said as he walked over to her.

Hinata didn't know what to say to that. Apparently, a response wasn't required. Sasuke was holding a canteen of water to her lips and tilting it just enough that she could drink, if she wanted to. So she did.

First, he hadn't killed her when he could have. Now, he was giving her water? That didn't make sense with what little she knew about him. Granted, the vast majority of it was secondhand knowledge, but still.

"When the storm dies down, I'll leave. Once I'm far enough away, Garuda will undo your bindings and you can go find your team. I know that they are nearby. You wouldn't have traveled into the Snow Country alone and I heard their screams. They're worried about you." Sasuke mused.

"Alright. Thank you. Who is Garuda though?" She asked.

"He's my hawk Summon. His talons will cut through those bindings with ease. Don't worry. He has exceptional control of them. He can slice you to ribbons or not leave a single mark on your pretty skin. It's entirely up to me, which he chooses. So don't try anything stupid." He told her.

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