caption: everyone needs a Blake Gray in their lives ☺️

My Phone was blowing up with people replying to my story, we decided to turn them off and get to know each other better.

"So what what your childhood like" I asked him

" I grew up in Houston with my older brother Austin and my parents pretty typical up bringing really played heaps of sports was decent at school but never a straight A student or anything, I got really big on social media about 5 years ago and then dropped off for a while it's only been in the last 2 years I've blown up again" I said with a bit of a frown when talking about the last part

"Do you enjoy the fame" I ask

"To be honest no I hate it, and I know I shouldn't say that because I am so privileged and have been so blessed but it has torn my family apart and it really impacts my mental health with all the tabloids and Pap photos" he sighs

"I know what you mean, I've grown up with cameras on my face, my whole family has and it's awful some of the stuff that is said about us, both me and Khloe have lived most of our lives people speculating who our dads are it's ridiculous" 

"What do u mean" he asks

"Well Everyone thinks that Khloe is OJ Simpsons daughter not Roberts the tabloids have been trying to make a story about it for years. And ever since I was born reporters have tried spreading rumours that I'm roberts daughter and not my dads because I look more like Kim and Kourtney than Kendall and Kylie" 

"Have you ever thought about getting a paternity test and shut down the rumours"

"I mean yeah but I told mom that it's her decision whether she wants to go further with it, it wouldn't really make much of a different I mean Caitlyn raised me as his daughter and that's never going to change whether he's my biological dad or not, besides there always going to make up a new story they're never going to stop"

"That's so true, it's been so good to be able to someone about the drama of fame all my friends love it because it brings them more fame they don't realise it's not worth it in the long run" he says

I continued talking for hours and hours, I look at the time and it's 1 am "fuck Blake i didn't even realise how late it is" I say laughing.

We both check our phones and I see a photo has been posted about me on tik tok room .

Liked By SwayLA BryceHall and 1

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Liked By SwayLA BryceHall and 1.4 Million others

@tikTokRoom: our serial Flirtists #Kori and #Blake are back at it again with Kori posting this photo showing of the extremely large bouquet Blake bought her.

@User: can they hurry up and confirm their dating

@User: Bloriiiiii

@User: Shippppp

@AmelieZilber: Lol he's just passing the time with her he'll come running back to me soon
@MeredithMickelson: Lol you wish

@BlakeGray: Serial Flirtists @KoriJenner thanks a new one
              @KoriJenner: this man is upping his game

Kori's POV

I laugh at my phone reading Meres comment, she's always been so over protective of me ever since we met with all the drama and scandals that's happened in my family I think she just worries about me.

"Did you see the post on tiktokroom" Blake asks

"Yeah and If you don't mind me asking what happened to you and Amelie coz she's been commenting on my posts and stuff ever since I met you" I ask him

"I'm happy to talk about it, I'm so confused because we ended on such good terms we're still friends we just both decided that we were more friends than a couple so we broke up, I don't know what's gotten into her she's being so mean to you it's ridiculous" he say and his jaw is now clenching

I smile looking at him he's getting so worked up about people saying stuff about me, he's so gorgeous wait and I falling for him? Kori you can't realationships don't work for you They never have.

"Earth to Koriiii" Blake says waving his hands it my face

"Oh sorry I zoned out" I laugh

All of a sudden I get a FaceTime call from Chantel


Chantel: Heyyyyy Small Tits

Kori: omg Chan your wasted

Chantel: I sure am Baby girl

Chantel: I miss uuuu so does mere

Kori: do you need me to pick you up?

Chantel: no you have a fun time with your lover boy but please use protection coz I don't want to be an aunt just yet maybe in a couple months tho

*blake and I both laugh

Chantel: Omg Blakey Baby !!!!!!!

Blake: Hey Chantel hhahaha

Kori: Okay Sweet cheeks it's getting late you go have some fun I'll pick you up in the morning love you

Chantel: I love youuuuuuu both

I end the call and Blake and I are both laughing

"Sooo it's getting pretty late I better get going" Blake says awkwardly

"Don't be stupid you won't get any sleep at your house right now stay here with me" I say

"Are you sure I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable"

"Blake please I've got a very attractive boy sitting on my couch he's just bought me flowers and my fave food as if I'm going to kick him out" I laugh

"Wait you think I'm attractive" I says surprised

"Are you kidding of course I do"

"Wow I just thought you were flirting with me coz you were bored I guess I never thought someone as gorgeous and amazing as you could ever like me"

"Blake your so clueless" I laugh while pulling him into a hug

"I really like you Kori like really like you"

"I really like you to Blake" I blush

"Come on let's go watch a movie in my room"

"Oooo your taking me up to your room" Blake says wiggling his eyebrows

"Don't get any ideas Mr Gray"


We got up to my room and put on a movie I ran to the bathroom and quickly washed my face and brushed my teeth I put my PJs on and walk back out.

Blake is laying on my bed in just his boxers, I stand there for a moment checking out his abs.

"Like what you see darling" he laughs

"I sure do" I say blushing

I get into bed next to him I fall asleep on his chest and he kisses my forehead

"Good night beautiful Girl" he says which send butterfly's all around my body.

DASH DOLL // BLAKE GRAY حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن