Chapter 2: A Helping Hand

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Emma yawned, spinning a pencil on her desk over and over as her English teacher, Miss Blanchard droned on about some other Shakespeare play. It wasn't that Emma didn't enjoy the stories, but the format and the old English drove her crazy and Miss Blanchard was always so chirpy.

"Am I boring you, Miss Swan?"

That last yawn must have been louder than she thought and she should have apologised but she thought hey, honesty was the best policy right? "Well, now that you mention it..." she shrugged.

Miss Blanchard shook her head, "Have you read the play? Do you know everything I have to say?"

Emma knew she should have stopped, she was only going to get herself into more trouble but sometimes she couldn't help being a smart ass, "Basically. I mean, it's Shakespeare, right? So there's some love story, some conflict, probably some dude dressing as a chick for some reason or another and someone will die and it'll all end in tears," she shrugged, stifling another yawn, "But you'll think it's super romantic and wonderfully written, and oh yeah, Shakespeare's plays were meant to be seen but not read but the school's so fucking cheap they won't let us see a production."

The English teacher's eyes glowered, "Get out, Miss Swan and come back at the end of class."

Emma merely grinned and saluted as she picked up her books and left the classroom.

Belle was sitting in the library reading a book intently when Emma fell into the chair opposite her.

"Hey, don't you have English?" she asked, frowning.

Emma shrugged, her lips upturning sheepishly, "I got kicked out."

Belle sighed and rolled her eyes, "What now?" she asked.

Belle loved her friend to death, she was family, but Emma was trouble. Belle's parents had never liked her, it probably didn't help that the first time they met her she had been smoking in their backyard. From then on, it only got worse; Belle had missed a few classes trying to help Emma out of her moods, or convincing her to go to class or the counsellor. When they had study dates, Emma would either horse around or end up frustrated and yelling at Belle.

Belle could see past all that though; Emma had a heart of gold, really, she just didn't have faith that she could do anything with it. That was Belle's theory anyway. She saw a different Emma than everyone else, she saw the blonde make the daggiest jokes, go lovesick over attractive woman and she was the most loyal person Belle knew.

"Told Miss Blanchard Shakespeare was all the same," she shrugged, "Hey, you've said it too, Belle," she added.

"Not to a teacher though, Em," Belle pointed out.

Emma chewed her lip, "She's so annoying. Anyway, I think I might drop out," she replied nonchalantly.

Belle felt her body stiffen, "And do what, Em?"

"I don't know," Emma admitted, "I just hate this place," her voice rose slightly until Belle's hand touched her own, "I'm not good at school like you. I'm not like, academic."

Belle shook her head, "That's bullshit and you know it. You're one of the smartest people I know, you could pass any class if you just – "

"If I just what?" Emma snapped, "If I could stay awake? If I could concentrate? If I could be someone completely different?"

The brunette forced herself not to snap right back, "You've given up," she said softly, "You're not trying anymore, that's why you can't pass. I know it's harder for you, but you used to manage okay but this year? You don't believe you can do it."

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