The bell rings again a solid ten minutes after James leaves. Peter's heart stops beating for a second time that day. His Spidey-Sense tingles at the base of his neck and he can hardly breathe.

The woman is wearing six-inch heels with a tight pencil skirt and leather jacket. She slowly removes the sunglasses from her face and looks around the room. Her eyes settle in the corner. Peter follows her gaze to a security camera.

Quickly, Peter taps his wrist, and his web-shooters form around his hand. With a few more strides, she is standing right in front of the counter.

"We don't have much time, Peter. I disabled the cameras for only a few minutes," She looks around, "That man, James, he's not who you think he is."

Peter's eyes narrow, "And why should I trust you?"

Her lips quirk into a small smirk, "I know you are Spider-Man, and I haven't done anything about it. I haven't told anyone, I haven't tried to find your family or friends."

"Ok, so then who is James?"

The lady crosses her arms, "I can't tell you here. Not enough time" She pulls out a slip of paper, "Meet me here. Right after your shift."

Peter hesitantly takes the paper from her hands and watches as she makes her way to the door, shooting one last look over her shoulder before pushing her way out.

The top off the card reads Olivia Black in bold letters. That must be the girl. Under that there is an address, Peter doesn't recognize the street name, but he isn't surprised. He tucks the card into his pocket.


The rest of his shift is agonizing. Each minute feels like an hour, and each time the bell sounds, he jumps out of his skin. What does Olivia want with him? What did she mean about James?

The back door to the kitchen opens sending Peter into panic again. He relaxes slightly upon realizing it is just Mr. Delmar ready to take over for Peter's shift. Thank god.

As soon as he is out of the sub shop, Peter changes into his suit becoming Spider-Man. It's true, the anonymity of the suit does give him more confidence. Unfortunately, his anonymity is slightly compromised.

He finds the address quickly, it appears to be a Coffee shop, but judging by the lack of business it is most definitely not. Peter does a quick scan of the building before entering.

"Hello, Peter," that same voice says. The room is empty besides a couple of tables and chairs. Olivia stands in a door frame, undoubtedly leading to some secret operation room, "Let's get started. We have a lot to cover."

The young hero follows the woman back into the room. Boy was he right. Inside the other room are computers and holograms. Peter's eyes widen, and he can't help but be excited by the various pieces of tech.

"As I'm sure you've figured, I'm Olivia Black. I'm the director of The Enhanced Monitoring Unit, otherwise known as EMU. We are a secret branch of the FBI that keeps track of all enhanced individuals, including those that nobody knows about. It's my job to make sure all of them are accounted for to ensure the safety of America," The woman leans against a table, "You don't have to keep your mask on," She adds as an afterthought.

Peter nods and slowly removes it, "What's your angle? Are you trying to kill me? Or help me?"

She smiles, showing off her big white teeth, "It's not that simple, Peter. But to put it simply, no. We are not trying to do either. We were created by the president himself after the blip to ensure that all enhanced beings are known to the government. If one becomes dangerous, we will attempt to stop it before the Avengers destroy the world. If a situation becomes dangerous, we can ask for your help. In any case, you Peter, are not dangerous. We need your help."

Peter frowns and crosses his arms, "My help? Why? I'm a teenager from Queens! I have school, and work, and... why not call one of the Avengers? Like Falcon or Wanda?"

Olivia shakes her head, "Because it's not thier battle to fight, Peter."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Peter says in exasperation, tightening his grip on his arms.

Olivia stands from the table and taps a few buttons, "How much do you know about your parent's death, Mr. Parker."

All of the questions running through Peter's mind stop. It's as if he short-circuited. He hasn't talked about his parents in years. They died when he was only a few years old. Sure, he imagines what they were like, or what it would be like to have parents. Of course, he spent nights lying awake wishing he could be like other kids. He was used to it now, though. His parents died in a plane crash long ago.

"They died in a plane crash. What's it to you?" Peter snaps, his voice harsher than he knew he could make it.

"Everything." Olivia clicks a few more buttons, "Besides Peter. You are wrong. James, that guy that started going to the Mr. Delmar's a few weeks ago, he's actually a HYDRA special ops agent. He killed your parents, Mr. Parker, and now he is looking for you."

Peter's mouth falls open and he can't physically form a coherent word in his brain. A picture of his parents runs through his mind. His mouth goes dry. He doesn't need to say anything though, a video comes up showing a man who looks like James. His hair is a little longer and his eyes a little darker. Nonetheless, it is James. The camera flips, it looks like a body cam almost.

Peter watches in horror as the camera moves up a plane aisle. Peter is still frozen when the man tightens his hand around his dad's neck. He is frozen in horror when his mom pleads for his father's life. He is frozen in anger when their lifeless bodies slump forward.

It's only a few minutes after the video cuts out that he feels the wetness on his cheeks and the hollow feeling in his stomach.

Olivia speaks, "He is a super-soldier. We need your help." It takes a moment for Peter to put the sounds together, to actually comprehend what she is saying.

He lifts his head, looking directly into the woman's eyes, a faint smile dances across his lips.

When Peter finally speaks his voice is full of anger and deep determination, "I am going to kill him."

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