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There was a time where you were happy. A time where you didn't suffer at the hands of the Radio Demon. But those saccharine days were gone, leaving you with nothing left to do but tell the story from the beginning. And it all started the night you met. Had you have known that a simple spark would turn into a roaring and ruthless flame, you would have crushed it long before it ignited, long before it consumed you entirely.


You perked up as your name was called, fixing your corset so less cleavage showed and fixing your skirt before making your way into the room with a smile. Your boss sat in his chair, a cigarette hanging out of his mouth and his legs crossed. He gestured for you to sit.

"There she is! My little song bird." He almost purred, grinning widely.

"What do you need Mr. Valentino?" You replied sweetly as you took a seat in a soft cushioned chair. He took a drag of his cigarette before blowing the smoke out the side of his mouth.

"I have a job for you sweetheart." He began as he fiddled with his fancy pimp cane.

"As you know, Angelcakes has to work the corner tomorrow. So I was gonna ask if you wanted to take his spot on stage tomorrow evening." He asked.

"And afterward we can go get pampered with Voxie and Velvet. How does that sound?" he added.You squealed happily and began to jump up and down excitedly, your eyes wide and starry.

"Are you serious?!" You giggled as your rushed over and hugged the tall pimp. He chuckled and patted your head.

"Yes doll. The stage is yours."  he replied. You giggled excitedly and hugged him tighter, now in extremely happy and a bit hyper mood.

"We get to hang out with Voxie and Velvet too?!" You were so excited you felt like you were going to explode, still jumping up and down.

"Yes, now go home and get washed up. We have a very big day tomorrow. I'll call Vox to come and pick you up." He replied for pulling out his phone and dialing Vox, hugging you back as he did so.

How did you end up in hell working for one of its most notorious overlords?
Valentino found you when you fell. Saved you in fact. Something he didn't usually do. But he could tell that you were young, too young to be all by yourself. Especially since you landed in a particularly grimy part of pentagram city. And, without a second thought he took you in, offering you food, shelter and protection. The man practically raised you. And now that you were of age, you could work alongside him, or do whatever the hell you wanted. In the end you decided to stay with your mentor/friend and father figure. But it was never just you and Val. You also had Vox and Velvet. Whom of which guided you and taught you how to defend yourself, make deals, potions, taught you the art of business, and best of all how to permanently kill anyone who would try to hurt you. Or at least make them suffer for a while. You were strong, strong enough to be an overlord. So you spent your free time winning turf wars and killing other demons just for fun. And may or may not terrorize the cannibal colony now and then.

Valentino always warned you though. To stay away from HIM. But HE didn't scare you. That old cannibal deer bitch could kiss your ass. And if you really wanted to you could kill him and that stupid Mary Poppins wannabe, pip pip cheerio bitch he hangs out with. You had yet to actually talk to the guy but he just seemed like a snob and a fucking Narc from what Vox told you. But nevertheless. You tried to stay out of trouble. Key word. Tried.

"Hey Val, did you see those flyers the princess put up?" You asked as you looked up at him. Val snorted and nodded as he got off the phone with Vox.

"Yeah. I thought it was some joke but apparently she's serious. Some of the girls said she tried to talk them into going to the "Happy Hotel". Redemption. What a joke." He wheezed, you laughed with him, finding it impossible to believe yourself.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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